I'm Going to be a Dad

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Congratulations KP!!!!

Definitely deserves a...


Well done bud!

Thanks people....makes me feel really proud...Wierd moment was telling the folks though......Got kind of embarresed as you're kind of admitting that you 'do it' to your parents:D I know I shouldn't feel embarrased, I'm a 26 year old married man/boy.

Already planning which finest cuban cigar to take with me on the day:D Will keep you all posted though:D
Originally posted by Kamikaze_Pigeon
Thanks people....makes me feel really proud...Wierd moment was telling the folks though......Got kind of embarresed as you're kind of admitting that you 'do it' to your parents:D I know I shouldn't feel embarrased, I'm a 26 year old married man/boy.

Already planning which finest cuban cigar to take with me on the day:D Will keep you all posted though:D

The weirdest thing for me was feeling like I was breaking away from the family and starting a new one. :cool:
"God put it in the middle so even a fool could find it" - Groucho Marx ;)

Seriously though, well done :)

Already planning which finest cuban cigar to take with me on the day

:eek: Weaning it onto cigars in the hospital is probably a bad idea. Besides..nipples are nicer.
Congratulation Mate :)

get plenty of sleep now ;) you're going to need it :D

next it will be an Estate car or people carrier for all the gubbins that come with them
Originally posted by Banish
next it will be an Estate car or people carrier for all the gubbins that come with them

LOL:D We're changing our car soon...we were looking at GTI's and the like but now we're looking at diesels and more 'sensible' automobiles:D
Originally posted by Kamikaze_Pigeon
...we were looking at GTI's and the like but now we're looking at diesels and more 'sensible' automobiles:D

GTI's LOL now sensible' is the word :)

I have 2 ankle biters and the amount of stuff I cart around is horrendous, everytime we go out its a logistical nightmare LOL

BTW say congrates to ER indoors aswell Mate hope everythin is smooth and peaceful for you both
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