I'm moving house !!

23 Dec 2002
Shiny Shanghai
Hello everybody.

I have quite a specific question so I don't hold out much hope that anybody knows the answer, but its worth a shot right ?

I am currently with Bulldog and I am going to move house, BUT the place I'm moving to either has a BT line set up already OR it has no phone connection at all.

So can I migrate my Bulldog account ?
Would I have to pay some kind of re-connection fee ?
There's an activation fee whether Bulldog "migrate" it or not. Whether they ask you to pay it or swallow it themselves is up to them.

You would need to tell them you're moving (and the number of the new line, or when you're going to move your number across).
Nice 50k sig you've got there.

The FAQ said:
A signature may contain one or more images but they must fit within a box with maximum dimensions of 400 x 75 pixels (width x height) and with a maximum (combined) file size of 20k
Have they changed the sig rules recently ?
I've had that sig for months now !!
I'll change it later :)

So Tolien, how do you go about migrating if the place has no number yet ?
Do I just tell them the new adress or something ?
Moonpie2 said:
Have they changed the sig rules recently ?


I've had that sig for months now !!

Guess no one's noticed.

So Tolien, how do you go about migrating if the place has no number yet ?

Order a new line? Bulldog should be able to do that too (and you'll have an extra fee to BT for that too, over and above the ADSL).
Burbleflop said:
Nice 50k sig you've got there.

why do people on this forum seem to try and get others into trouble ;s,i mean seriously if you want a job as a moderator ask.

sorry for jumping into the thread.
D3fine said:
why do people on this forum seem to try and get others into trouble ;s,i mean seriously if you want a job as a moderator ask.

sorry for jumping into the thread.

Why do people on this forum seem to think that the rules don't apply to them?
You calling me a rule breaker ?

I swear the sig was legal when I made it, its not the end of the world that I knocked it down a few K.
Lets all get along.
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