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I’m trying to avoid a bottleneck. Advice needed.

15 Jan 2009
Merthyr Tydfil
I’m trying to avoid a bottleneck. Advice needed.

I was wondering what GPU would be suitable for a i7 930 CPU. I don’t want to spend more than I have to on a GPU. I also don’t want the GPU to bottleneck the CPU and vice versa.

Any advice will be appreciated.
Wouldn't worry about the GPU bottlenecking the CPU, its the other way around you gotta worry about. i7 930 with a good overclock will push even 4x 5870/GTX480 and keep on going.
Depends on your budget, resolution and what games you play, but 5850, 5870 or GTX480 would be good choices. 5850 will clock to perform similiar to the other 2. So unless your playing at 2560x res the 5850 would probably be my reccomendation.
My LG monitor is 1680 x 1050, but I have it set to 1440x900. Games are X3 Terran Conflict, Silent Hunter 5, All the latest FPS and Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
A 5850 is more than fine at that resolution, even a 5770 would do.

I would go for the 5850 though.
If you have money to spend then grab a 5850, otherwise a 5770...or even better a used GTX 260 216 or 4890
I was thinking of the vapourX 5870 (if it will fit my Antec 900 case). Would that be suitable?
Yes. However I would sell your current monitor, buy a 5850 and spend the left over money on a better monitor at 1900x1200 or higher.

You'll get a much better experience of basically every computing task that way.
Thanks for the advice and suggestions. I've only just bought this monitor and my eyesight being what it is, 1440x900 is as far as I would like to go.

Thanks to you all for the input.
What you having trouble viewing? webpages can be enlarged in firefox by holding down control+mousescroll which should be fine at 1650x1080 even if you eyesight isn't the best you can enlarge them to as large as you want.(unless you mean for certain games where the font is small?)

If your monitor is 1650x1080 you are best setting it to that and all games.
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I also have awfull eyesight, but can get away with useing 1900x1200 res till by upping the DPI of the text a little bit and using medium icon's instead of small for my desktop.

It makes a huge diffrence in games having higher res, something to think about.

Just go 5770 if your sticking with 1440x900, anything more powerfull would be wasted. Kinda like slapping a jet engine onto a bike, looks cool but no real use.
Ewww! set the resolution to 1680 x 1050 and increase the dpi (dots per inch) in windows to make everything look bigger, seriously if your going to run the monitor below native resolution you may as well buy a Ti4600 because its going to look horrible whatever card you use :(
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