Image Degradation

2 Mar 2004
Hi guys,

The girlfriend had a professional photoshoot done last month and we've now received a HD DVD disk with all of the images on.

However, when I come to burn them to other CDs/DVDs with the usual menu/sounds on etc (using ULEAD Pictureshow) the images, which are jpegs and about 3.5mb each show up on the telly via a dvd player very poorly.

Am I missing something?

However, when I come to burn them to other CDs/DVDs with the usual menu/sounds on etc (using ULEAD Pictureshow).....

It's re-sampling the images to DVD quality and burning as DVD-Video. If you want to retain original resolution, burn the image files as data.
as above, the resolution used for DVDs isnt high enough to do the photos any justice at all. If its DVD on an LCD it'll probably be even worse.
I believe the problem is that when I create the disk the resolution is being reduced to a rubbish size (from the 3000x2000).

Can anyone recommend any good software that I could use to create a HD slideshow, which will I believe keep the photographs quality and be well presented?

Can anyone recommend any good software that I could use to create a HD slideshow, which will I believe keep the photographs quality and be well presented?

Depends on what you want to play the slideshow on.

Just save JPGs and use the device's native slideshow viewer.

Almost all devices support JPGs: dvd players, game consoles, computers, even newer TVs, etc...

Better than converting to a limited format which can only be read by one thing.
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