In the event of your *Tragic* Death..

18 Oct 2002
Hear, their, everyware ;)
So, we all die one day, but some of us will be destined to die in sad , bizarre, strange, epic, heroic ways and some even by farting too hard, but who else really doesn't want a Facetardbook Condolences page setting up about them?

Facetardbook said:
i neva new u bro but u where da bestest innit!!!


I wonder if there's a way of Legally enforcing Facetardbook to NOT do it? I could eternally rest easy if I was able to set this into motion.

Yes, I have no friends and yes it's cool to hate Facetardbook, etc. etc....:rolleyes:
I wonder if there's a way of Legally enforcing Facetardbook to NOT do it? I could eternally rest easy if I was able to set this into motion.

Yes, I have no friends and yes it's cool to hate Facetardbook, etc. etc....:rolleyes:

I Hate them too but I believe your will is a legally binding document and as such you can put your final wishes down on it why not put this on there?
Another trend I have noticed is for comments sections on news stories on local newspaper websites to quickly fill with illiterate outpourings of grief when the story is about a death. Quite why a section to comment on stories in the local rag is considered the best place for this I don't really know.

6 results for Facetardbook. Is this something you have come up with yourself that you want people to start using?

It's gay.

I only count 4 in the OP, but agreed. You should have learned your lesson from stockhausen, OP - stuff like this makes you look really, really dumb.
My body must be donated to science, and NOT cremated, buried, or sent to any religious building of any kind.

If science doesnt want it, then feed it to the pigs / sharks / crocodiles.
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