In Which we discuss the next folding at home competition

Joe42 said:
Some very interesting and thoughtful suggestions SS.

How come the 805d gets the highest points/watt?
I thought they were lousy when it comes to efficiency.

When you go over 3.6 (aka up the volts) the 805D really eat watts, and it starts relatively low (for a intel) anyway. That and duel cores at 3.6 crunch really well :D
4.10-475w :eek:

But Others at stock (inc 7800 GTX)
FX-55(2.6) - 194w :cool:
X2 4800+ - 203W
P 965EE - 241W
P 950D - 365W

without GPU - these would whoop the 805D easy with more points and less watts. Edit: but numbers based on best low power components at stock
X2 3800+ - 94w
C2D E6400 - 115w

All figs at 100% load
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Shoud we be counting the gpu in the wattage figures if we aren't counting it in the value (price) figures?
I assume the price figures are only for the cpu...?
Joe42 said:
Shoud we be counting the gpu in the wattage figures if we aren't counting it in the value (price) figures?

Your right (we shouldn't be including the gpu) but I didn't have those numbers to hand.

Joe42 said:
I assume the price figures are only for the cpu...?

Yes - but some are guess :o
Or a price on cpu/mobo/ram could also be used (more accurate IMO)
Edit: as ram and mobo can really affect crunching proformance of rig
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Sorry, i don't mean to pull your figures apart, i know its only an example.

I was just surprised to see the power eating hotplate 805d winning in an efficiency test. :p

However, imagine doing this for every person who joins the competition... i can see it getting out of hand. Its a great idea, but is it practical?
Wow some nice ideas there SS.

As for the manageability anyone who is even slightly organised should be able to keep it all together... I think

We can insist anyone entering the competition is to give all the details necessary - CPU, overclock [with CPUz verification thingy], etc. Once we have everyone we can then compile them into a spreadsheet.

When it comes to actual points, would it be hard to set up a script or program to go through the stats every day/week/end of competition and plug the number of points into the spreadsheet? Nulls sig generator, or rather some specific source code, would help I think since it is designed to pull specific data for each username from the stats.

Once we have the numbers it is a simple matter to calculate the results and Robert's your father's brother.

Only think I am against is the points per £. There is absolutely no way of confirming how much someone paid for their CPU and it would be very easy for someone to say "Oh I bought it off a mate" and they can put in any number.. the lower the better.

Only thing that puts me off that idea is it creates a whole lot of effort for people wanting to partake.

"Like to join our competition?"
'Yeah sure'
"OK, Just give exact details of your CPU, Overclock, CPU-Z screenshots, price of CPU etc."
'Errm... maybe i'll leave it.'
Joe42 said:
Sorry, i don't mean to pull your figures apart, i know its only an example.

I was just surprised to see the power eating hotplate 805d winning in an efficiency test. :p

However, imagine doing this for every person who joins the competition... i can see it getting out of hand. Its a great idea, but is it practical?

No problem - that's the point of this thread anyway :D
It's only winning as no C2D or X2 are included :p
And as SB said once spreadsheet is up and running no problems (even if cut and paste is required eh rich ;) )

@SB - the £ would be based on current MM prices not purchased cost.
so C2D would be around pre VAT OcUK prices for example. But it's only an idea to even the field.

Also really like the idea of a random prize (if prizes are given) that anyone could win just for taking part :D
divine_madness said:
Only thing that puts me off that idea is it creates a whole lot of effort for people wanting to partake.

"Like to join our competition?"
'Yeah sure'
"OK, Just give exact details of your CPU, Overclock, CPU-Z screenshots, price of CPU etc."
'Errm... maybe i'll leave it.'

More like
"Like to join our competition?"
'Yeah sure'
"Great! So what type of rig are you entering. is it the one in your sig"
'ye that the one'
"Nice Oc mate - going for the top spot then are you. Check out the stickies and we'll set up your rig in the stats tables."
"Thanks, see you on the finish line :D "
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Verification for CPUz takes only a couple of minutes and I think then a link is generated automatically. If we are going to be basing part a competition on overclocks we need proof.

SiriusB said:
If we are going to be basing part a competition on overclocks we need proof.SiriusB

No you missed the point - the oc isn't include in caclulating the figs. the stock Ghz is!
The Oc just get you more points and therefore a better ratio.

Edit: I could claim I've a 4.6 Oc, but that wouldn't get more WU's crunched or improve my ranking.
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Ahh I see now. I thought you were going for points per overclocked GHz.

Actually it is rather good now I understand where you're coming from. Someone could have a stock 4800+, but I could win by the fact my OCd 4400+ is faster and thus able to produce more points.

We wont need a CPUz verification link :D

SiriusB said:
Someone could have a stock 4800+, but I could win by the fact my OCd 4400+ is faster and thus able to produce more points.

Bingo! :D
Even if it produced the same points (or slightly less) you still win as your stock clock is lower - giving a higher ratio.

Bloke 1 - 4800+ =3800pts (3800/4.8) 792
SB - 4400+ =3600pts (3600/4.4) 818
SB2- 4400+ =3800pts (3800/4.4) 864
SS - 805D =2800pts (2800/2.66) 1052 :D

Edit: not sure if C2D clocks are compatable with this concept.....might need to do a 4400+ type ranking for them or just use actually clocks for all.

SB - 4400+ =3600Pts (3600/2.2) 1636 :eek:
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There's a point.. would it be clock speed per core... or combined clock speed?

As for C2D... hmm that is tricky... I mean the 1.83GHz E6300 is gonna pwn lol.

shadowscotland said:
More like
"Like to join our competition?"
'Yeah sure'
"Great! So what type of rig are you entering. is it the one in your sig"
'ye that the one'
"Nice Oc mate - going for the top spot then are you. Check out the stickies and we'll set up your rig in the stats tables."
"Thanks, see you on the finish line :D "

For the people who overclock maybe, it will still put off anyone from GD etc. imo
It IS an enthusiasts forum, so we need something for them. Besides, SS has thought of a blockbuster league which is just straight out racing... then there the wallet wonder and ecowarrior leagues :p None of which require overclocking.

I definitely think the Eco warrior league could work - we can get fairly accurate TDP stuff from the internet and probably wouldnt involve all that much work.
Not too sure on the £ factor though - it would be very hard to value some things, eg old FXs, since they arent really sold anywhere anymore and very rarely appear on the MM.
Yeah I am still not happy about the wallet wonder league. Lists of CPU speeds and wattages exist everywhere, not so MM prices on OcUK. I for one wouldn't want to spend hours trawling through the MM and such looking for going rates of all the possible CPUs.

So far we have:

Normal race based on points scored

Overclockers "race" based on points scored per stock GHz

Efficiency "race" based on points scored per watt used.


AMD/Intel Single-Core league
AMD/Intel Dual-Core league

I am happy with both ideas and the Intel vs AMD can be done either way. I think, however, that shadow's idea represents a much more balanced competition as each "weakness" has an advantage. High clockspeed equals more points but low clockspeed equals better points to GHz ratio.

You'd need to decide how to work the one based on speed though.

Because my 3500+ is a 2.2GHZ stock CPU.

So we can either call this 3.5GHZ or 2.2GHz stock.

A Core2Duo E6300 is 1.83GHz (i think?) but will rinse my 3500+ for all its worth :p

What would you term that? 1.83GHz? 3.66GHz? Or would we have to make up a rating for it, as using 6300 > 6.3GHz isn't going to be fair...
divine_madness said:
You'd need to decide how to work the one based on speed though.

I agree - PPD/Ghz isn't always a good idea because some CPUs are inherently more efficient than others. Someone with a massive OC on a P4 could still lose to a stock C2D due to its awesome efficiency.

Would multiplying points by % overclock do something similar? Not a brilliant idea but all I can think of ATM.
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