Insurance Risk by Profession?

5 Sep 2005
Northern Ireland
Was just wondering after watching an old episode of Top Gear last night (the one where JC claims he is a Doctor), if there is a list somewhere that lists what professions are the most risk, to the least risk?

Just curious, was wondering if I change my job title, if it would change my insurance cost. :)
Dont know of any list, but my friend in the Army has had trouble insuring his car/bike when he mentions hes in the army.
I'm a consultant, I have specified SD&P, I get the train to work everyday and specified 8000 miles per year. Apparently, this constitutes a £80 price hike (15%) on my policy compared to when I was a student :confused:
Think about how many hours and late night calls a Doctor might be doing, especially junior Hospital Doctors on call for so many hours a week, stress and lack of sleep doesn't make for a safe driver hence they're in a relatively high risk category.
moss said:
Dont know of any list, but my friend in the Army has had trouble insuring his car/bike when he mentions hes in the army.

My brother gets cover through the forces...

Works out very good.

"Where is the car kept at night?"

"behind a 10' fence with barbed wire, armed guards, helicopter response and dogs"


I found putting myself down as a student is very favourable
people who are in the armed forces generaly get charged more because they passed there test in the army and they all crash there cars
It's down to earnings, if you were to be involved in an accident and you lost earnings or even your job due be being unable to work again, the insurance companies would have to pay out a lot more for your lost income than they would the average Joe Blogs. Same with Film/Sports stars, high risk of high pay-outs.
You should try saying you are a Crash Test Engineer, that usually perks up their ears and gets a whole raft of other questions coming at you. :D
doofer said:
It's down to earnings, if you were to be involved in an accident and you lost earnings or even your job due be being unable to work again, the insurance companies would have to pay out a lot more for your lost income than they would the average Joe Blogs. Same with Film/Sports stars, high risk of high pay-outs.

Not yet had to fill in my annual income on any insurance quotations before so I dont think that it has much to do with it personally.
Are you merely speculating or actually have some info on it?
Also I didn't think that your car insurance actually covers your earnings in the event of a smash when its your fault? I know that you can claim against the other party for loss of income/hardships as a direct result if they are to blame (I had a claim against me following an accident for all manner of little costs around bus fares etc) , but not against your own insurance if its your liability for the accident.
Car insurance do not cover you for your inability to work or lost earnings. So the price has nothing do with that.

They have some internal software which ranks people based on their age, no claims, profession, address, etc to give out a best fit price.

Even if I applied to the same insurance company with everything same except for one of those factors different, then the price would change. Factors such as the address can change it drastically, profession less so - and in some cases it might be insignificant.
my insurance premium is higher when I mention I work on licenced premises, drunk people maybe damaging cars/driving near mine after a few etc.

Not had any trouble yet though...
MehulLakhani said:
Dont know what JC is talking about - when I told my insurance co. I was a doctor, my insurance went up !

Not compared to a journalist, who are just about the highest loaded of the lot.

MehulLakhani said:
Dont know what JC is talking about - when I told my insurance co. I was a doctor, my insurance went up !



Compared with TV presenter which is classed as the entertainment industry your premiums will be low.
IT, which I believe of a lot of us are employed in, is considered fairly high risk.

My advice would be to find a creative way of wording your job. Just don't lie.
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