Intel Skylake Motherboard 6700k - Help Needed / Finding Replacement

12 Jul 2005
Hi All,

My daughters PC (which used to be my old one) has a problem in that the USB slots seemed to have stopped working and I can't get it to recognize the USB keyboard or any other USB device. I also can't get it to recognise the keyboard using the legacy keyboard connector. I've tried my keyboard on her pc it doesn't work, i've tried her keyboard on my pc, it does work.

Her PC boots to windows but I can't do anything to then get into windows or even into the BIOS. I've taken everything apart and put it back together, i've even replaced the MB battery to see if that would reset everything but with no joy.

Therefore I think the MB has failed in some way.

Therefore I want to buy a new motherboard but I can't seem to find any motherboards on the market now that are compatible with the 6th Gen 6700K Intel processor the machine has, it is a socket 1151 and the current motherboard is an ASUS Z170M-Plus. I'd prefer not to have to buy a new CPU as well as the old CPU is a good one.

So the question is
a) are all 1151 motherboard compatible with 6th gen skylake, presume not.
b) anyone know of where I can buy a compatible motherboard these days? I want an atx mb not a micro.
c) any other help in getting the USB to work again?


Like said above you need 1151 v1, which is z170, z270, b150, b250 and h110.

You could try a USB PCI-E card? USB 2.0 ones were pretty cheap. Sometimes it's just a bug and you can reset it by messing with the usb hub, or the malfunctioning devices in device manager, but obviously you can't do that if can't access the system.
Skylake was the first cpu release in the 100 series chipset motherboards so anything 100 and 200 chipset will be compatable without a bios update . I cross checked your motherboard bios list and the first released bios supports your cpu .

Replacement motherboard is going to ebay, cex or the members market of the forum , you should put add in the wanted section.
just put my order into Overclockers for the spec that Joxeon has recommended, that is a great price currently for the 3600 B grade. Added onto it a fan an thermal paste. I've got a spare 32GB of ram here I can put in, I've got her original hard drives and a 1080GTX that was also in her original PC.

Agree Armageus, will put the old cpu, cooler, memory and case up for sale on the Members market and see what I can get for them.
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