Interesting Natural idea for sport drinks



26 Jun 2005
Has Anyone ever tried or heard of anyone using coconut juice?

Reading this it sounds interesting so i might go get my self some coconuts at some stage:D
You’re hot, sweating and short of breath... what should you reach for? That punch-flavored Gatorade in your fridge, or the blue-colored Powerade? Is plain ice water better?

The surprising truth is that coconut water is the best choice when it comes to choosing a drink that will rehydrate you!
What’s So Bad About Mass-Marketed Sports Drinks?

While Gatorade and Powerade appear to have benefits, they are simply full of too much sugar or artificial sugar substitutes, which over time, will make your body acidic and rob you of the very electrolytes you are trying to replenish!

Electrolytes are minerals that can help your body stay energized and your blood stay slightly alkaline. But almost all of the sports drinks on the market contain large amounts of sugar or sugar substitute, which you should try to reduce or avoid. Sugar will end up zapping your energy and making you crash later on.
Here’s Why Pure, Unfiltered Coconut Water Is Better

Raw organic young green coconut water provides all the powerful rehydration qualities but without the added sugar. It comes from young green coconuts and is very different from the sweet, milky substance (coconut milk) that comes from mature coconuts.
From the young green coconut, you get all the coconut water’s nutrients, B vitamins, enzymes and healthy microflora. Nothing is added or taken away from the natural product. Plus, it tastes MUCH better!

Aside from taste, coconut water greatly outperforms sports drinks. Here’s why:
Young green coconut water is natural, without any added chemical, flavors or preservatives.
Young green coconut water contains an entire balance of electrolytes (salt), potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and sulfate.
Young green coconut water supplies the body with essential amino acids and carbohydrates that let the body better absorb water into the bloodstream, which equals faster rehydration!
Young green coconut water has less sodium and calories than the sports drinks on the market.

With its ability to rehydrate the body better than standard sports drinks, coconut water is becoming increasingly popular as a natural hydration choice among athletes.
Yes I've heard it, yes I've tried it, no I don't like it.

I also know people that drink pickle juice, I'm not about to try that.
Yes I've heard it, yes I've tried it, no I don't like it.

I also know people that drink pickle juice, I'm not about to try that.

Most importantly, Did it work?

There is also a Fermented Coconut juice called Coconut Kefir which people make and drink. have you tryed this?
You can make your own isotonic drink, 300ml unsweetened orange juice (or your prefered fruit juice), 1 litre of water, pinch of salt.

Much cheaper alternative to cocnut juice/milk, I would have thought, plus I don't remember coconut milk being all that refreshing.
You can make your own isotonic drink, 300ml unsweetened orange juice (or your prefered fruit juice), 1 litre of water, pinch of salt.

Much cheaper alternative to cocnut juice/milk, I would have thought, plus I don't remember coconut milk being all that refreshing.

that's a far cry from being "isotonic"

what about potassium? what about magnesium? what about calcium?
i love coconut water, used to drink loads of it when i lived in thaialnd. Straight from the coconut too.

anything natural has to be better than a man made alternative
that's a far cry from being "isotonic"

what about potassium? what about magnesium? what about calcium?

Drop a multi vit in? lol

To be fair, I just use water when I run. I don't suffer from muscle cramps when I run, so have never felt the need to look into an alternative. Most sports drinks I've looked at only contain potassium, which I get from eating bananas which are far nicer tasting.
When I worked in Mumbai for a few weeks a lot of the guys swore by Coconut Milk to beat the heat and the Delhi belly.

I found it a bit too sweet.
Coconut milk certainly has a lot of excellent properties, to the point that you wonder why religious people don't use it as proof of God's existence.

Anyway, if coconut water can be obtained cheaply here, I'd definitely go for it, but the reality is that it just has various electrolytes that you need that can easily be obtained elsewhere.

I distinctly dislike the article the OP posted. Gatorade will make your body acidic? Gatorade will steal your electrolytes? Note they called sodium "salt" when listing the elements contained, so that they could then say "it also has less sodium".

Contains salt! GREAT! But it's less salt than gatorade! GREAT!
Where has this article come from? Coconut milk ltd? :D

As with all of these things there not going to change hardly anything just by having coconut milk instead of water + banana PWO as FF said above.
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