Ok so I really was a bit gutted they didn't include the whole score of music which features in the game with the Collectors Edition. Instead we got three poxy Moby tracks which are fairly nice but I'd of still preferred the soundtrack as I love the style of music. Well good news, I thought I'd make a post for it since it will go fairly missed in the main thread.
Introducing The BioShock Orchestral Score
Download the orchestral score. (.zip file -- 23 MB)

Introducing The BioShock Orchestral Score
Composer Garry Schyman created the orchestral masterpiece that serenades you through your journey into the heart of Rapture. Today, we are releasing the 12 tracks that create the eerie string compilation in Rapture so that you can take the world of BioShock wherever you go. We have archived these 12 mp3s into a zip file for you for easy download. Grab it and take a listen -- and remember the first moment setting eyes upon the sunken city, your first battle with a Splicer, when you first battled a Big Daddy, or the time you decided to save (perhaps harvest?) a Little Sister
Download the orchestral score. (.zip file -- 23 MB)