iPhone 3G - what uses more battery, 3G or Wifi?

25 Mar 2007
I was wondering if anyone has tested this or knows of existing results? I get 1 - 2Mbps 3G in my area, so I am happy to turn off Wifi (I have automatic fetching of e-mail, and when I enable Wifi it always connects to Wifi to do so) seen as though I don't pay for cellular data.
Can't speak for iPhone 3G as I don't own one :( However, WiFi is usually a much larger power drain than 3G/HSDPA on most other phones. Certainly was on my HTC Tytn
I'd say wifi would use more power.

Although on my V1 iphone i kept the WiFi on 24/7 as it seemed to only get used when it was needed.
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