IPOD stress!!!

13 May 2007
On the wagon, sorta
Ok need a little help my friends, a friend has gave me his 80gb ipod video(???) to put some more music on for him I have the music riped to the pc and ready to transfer but alas i must admit i have never used an ipod in my life.
Ive download itunes as i couldnt find any way to transfer the files but im still lost, the bloody thing tells me that the ipod can only be sync'd to one itunes and that i should erase and sync to mine. im unsure of what this means and have heard a few horror storys of people wiping the ipod and loosing all there music and my friend has 300+ tracks wich i dont fancy loosing :D
is there someone that can give me a little direction i have a couple of video files id like to transfer aswell, all im looking for is a simple way to do this any help appreaciated :?
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