Hi guys.
Reason I ask is, In so many games I'm seeing my 3090 not breaking a sweat but I've still got lots of headroom before hitting 120fps/144fps cap I've set. I very rarely see GPU usage go above 70% in the games I play yet looking at my fps overlay I'm never locked at 120 or 144 whatever I chose to set (when I stream and record I lock at 120 as it makes it smoother than 144. The thing I don't understand is my CPU usage, average across all cores will be like <20%
I've two rigs one with a 5900x and the other with a 5950x but moving the GPU to either system to test is the same. I game at 1440p, both CPUs hitting 4950mhz with the 5900x hitting a bit higher. Can you make me understand why this happens?
Reason I ask is, In so many games I'm seeing my 3090 not breaking a sweat but I've still got lots of headroom before hitting 120fps/144fps cap I've set. I very rarely see GPU usage go above 70% in the games I play yet looking at my fps overlay I'm never locked at 120 or 144 whatever I chose to set (when I stream and record I lock at 120 as it makes it smoother than 144. The thing I don't understand is my CPU usage, average across all cores will be like <20%
I've two rigs one with a 5900x and the other with a 5950x but moving the GPU to either system to test is the same. I game at 1440p, both CPUs hitting 4950mhz with the 5900x hitting a bit higher. Can you make me understand why this happens?