Is it plagiarism?



23 Aug 2003
I have a university essay to write, which is basically the same as 3 previous ones condensed down, and I am therefore annoyed at writing large parts of the same stuff again.

Is it plagiarism to copy and paste from an old essay or is that allowed since it is still my own work?
The definition of plagiarism is trying to pass someone elses work off as your own so I don't see how copying your own work could possible be plagiarism :confused:
At my uni, there is rules against submitting the same work twice and it would probably apply here. But the most important thing is, do you want to risk failing a module because of it?
Not plagiarism but they might not give you as many marks if you're basically re-submitting old work...
Ask a lecturer, don't see the problem. Copied and pasted most of my HND and never once got in trouble for it :p infact I think I should have got a HND in copy and pasting :rolleyes:
divine_madness said:
Not plagiarism but they might not give you as many marks if you're basically re-submitting old work...
We can be done for self-plagiarising you know! We were warned..
gord said:
We can be done for self-plagiarising you know! We were warned..

correct !

i was told...that once you receive a mark you cannot re-use the work.

Is it worth the risk is the question... if you have done it a few times, it should be easy :)
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If you're uni is anything like mine, you're not allowed to submit any work, in whole or in part, that has been previously submitted for assessment.

Whether you think you could get away with it though is a different matter entirely, but worth the risk? Your choice, not mine :)
You can most definatley use it, but use it as you would another man's work. I.e. cite/reference it, don't reword it, build on it etc...
Will said:
If you're uni is anything like mine, you're not allowed to submit any work, in whole or in part, that has been previously submitted for assessment.

Whether you think you could get away with it though is a different matter entirely, but worth the risk? Your choice, not mine :)

Yup, you can't resubmit a piece of work that has already been marked.

Just either approach it from another angle or pick another topic.
chesterstu said:
At my uni, there is rules against submitting the same work twice and it would probably apply here. But the most important thing is, do you want to risk failing a module because of it?

Same here, you can't submit the same work twice at Ed either. Paraphrasing and referencing appropriately should be OK though.
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