Is it possible to have a top gaming rig that is silent/v.quiet?

18 Dec 2004
I've been out of the PC gaming world for a few years. (My last post was Dec 15 2007, which was 10 days before my first child was born. I think that says it all! :D ) Anyway I'm back in the game but I'm really out of touch so I'm looking for advice.

I want a system that I can leave on when I'm not gaming (e.g. for streaming video) so I need it to be really quiet. But when I'm gaming I want a top-end system that can run the latest games with everything maxed out. Am I in lala land? Can I have my cake and eat it?

It doesn't have to be silent while I'm playing - I'd be happy with a system that allowed you to switch between gaming and non-gaming configuration. I just can't have fans humming whenever it's running.

My budget is around the 2 grand mark and I'd prefer to buy prebuilt rather than build it myself.

Thanks in advance for your advice.
Where abouts in London do you live, even if you don't fancy pre-built someone, including myself would do it for you.

Im not very good at speccing, so ill leave that to stulid and others, but you can have a extremely quiet pc, especially at that budget, you could go watercooling. :D
Aslong as you get nice quiet fans then its quite simple, windows 7 lets you change the computers performance to balance between performance and noise to some level but with the new bios its very easy to change between the differant modes.

If you want to fork out all that money on a pc i would personally build it myself just to have the confidence if something needs to be changed later, that and 1/2 the fun is building the pc :D
Where abouts in London do you live, even if you don't fancy pre-built someone, including myself would do it for you.

One of the main reasons I want to buy a pre-built system is so I can get a warranty. I'm so busy these days I can't really afford to be "fixing" the thing. Plus I'm actually pretty clueless with the hardware to be honest. :D
Aslong as you get nice quiet fans then its quite simple, windows 7 lets you change the computers performance to balance between performance and noise to some level but with the new bios its very easy to change between the differant modes.

If you want to fork out all that money on a pc i would personally build it myself just to have the confidence if something needs to be changed later, that and 1/2 the fun is building the pc :D

Good to know I can easily switch between modes like that.

Yeah it would be fun to build it, but I'd need to spend ages getting clued up on all the tech, and as I said in the previous post I kinda want a warranty.

Can anyone recommend an OCUK system that's insane and quiet?
Good to know I can easily switch between modes like that.

Yeah it would be fun to build it, but I'd need to spend ages getting clued up on all the tech, and as I said in the previous post I kinda want a warranty.

Can anyone recommend an OCUK system that's insane and quiet?

With your budget I'd go for this and get OCUK to slap another 580 in there for SLI which would bring it to £1979.98
ever thought about 2 computers, a cheap, low powered one to stream your media, and then your gaming pc as well.

the gaming pc can then be turned off when not in use so it'll be silent
Ask them to do one of their prebuilds and put it in something like this:

Should be able to be as quiet as you can get either that or ask them to replace all the fans in whatever case of whatever prebuilt you get and ask them to replace the fans with quieter fans (if they are indeed quieter than the standard fans from whichever case you get)

Watercooling has to be quieter though, right?

Yeah call OcUK - they can be helpful
Anything is possible and although having a warranty is nice, I don't think you'd be lost without one for a PC. Most hardware these days is pretty reliable!
When I think about it, when I turn down the fans on my Antec 902 and turn the exhaust fan to low at the back - it's silent tbh.

I think as long as you have adjustable fan speeds it won't be a problem to have just one PC.
Thanks guys. I've decided to just go balls to the wall on the gaming rig and hope and prey that the adjustable fans give me some peace and quite when I need it. If that's still too noisy then I'll go for the cheap media server option.

I appreciate all the advice. As usual, the OCUK forum comes through with the goods. :)
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