I realise that this is a strange question but...
Is it possible, when you’re not using the wi-fi on a wi-fi/modem/router, to turn off the wi-fi (i.e. the waves emitted from the router) & just use it as a router?
I realise that it makes no odds to the effectiveness of the router it’s just the person who wants me to install a wi-fi system only wants the wi-fi signal to be running when she’s using her laptop. When she’s using her desktop (which will be hardwired to the router) she would like to be able to turn off the wi-fi signal as she’s not happy at the thought of the constant wi-fi waves circulating around her house & kids when she has no need for it (I also no there’s no proof of them being harmful – but she wont use mobile phones for the same reason so I’m not going to try and persuade her otherwise – plus it’s her choice).
Basically, is there a wireless modem/router on the market that can have the wi-fi side of things turned off when just using it as a BB modem hard wired to the desktop - & then the wi-fi side of things re-activated when she wants to use her laptop?
(If there isn’t would uscrewing the aerials have pretty much the same affect – such as on the D-Links?)
Told you it was a strange question – but would appreciate any advice as I’ve only set up a couple of networks & haven’t come across this option – or at least have not noticed it.
Is it possible, when you’re not using the wi-fi on a wi-fi/modem/router, to turn off the wi-fi (i.e. the waves emitted from the router) & just use it as a router?
I realise that it makes no odds to the effectiveness of the router it’s just the person who wants me to install a wi-fi system only wants the wi-fi signal to be running when she’s using her laptop. When she’s using her desktop (which will be hardwired to the router) she would like to be able to turn off the wi-fi signal as she’s not happy at the thought of the constant wi-fi waves circulating around her house & kids when she has no need for it (I also no there’s no proof of them being harmful – but she wont use mobile phones for the same reason so I’m not going to try and persuade her otherwise – plus it’s her choice).
Basically, is there a wireless modem/router on the market that can have the wi-fi side of things turned off when just using it as a BB modem hard wired to the desktop - & then the wi-fi side of things re-activated when she wants to use her laptop?
(If there isn’t would uscrewing the aerials have pretty much the same affect – such as on the D-Links?)
Told you it was a strange question – but would appreciate any advice as I’ve only set up a couple of networks & haven’t come across this option – or at least have not noticed it.