Is it worth the upgrade ?

17 Nov 2010

I have a question which i think u guys will find simple enough to answer...i curently have asus P4S8X mb with a 2.8ghz pentium 4 (non HT) processor which has a bus speed of 133.3mhz and 533.3 related FSB (cpuid), this had radeon hd 4650 GFX, with this running XP it seemed ok (unitll it went faulty) but running Windows 7 it was laggy when watching a film it be really jumpy even a youtube video, the task manager preformence said the CPU was maxed out 100%.

The GFX is the secound one i've had thats gone faulty so is being sent back and im thinking a HD 3850 is in order as i have seen a couple for about £40-£50, but my main question is about the processor for £25 i can a P4 3.4 ghz with u think with a little overclocking the new P4 with make enough difference to run properly on windows 7.

I know this is an old rig and could just do with replacing the whole thing but unfortunetly im not blessed with to meny £'s at the moment and wanna save for something decent and not end up with a low end budget pc, i'm thinking rampage extreme III :D, but this will have to wait, just want something to tie me over for a few months.

Any thoughts will be appriciated, thanks.
I am currently using the same system you are planning on upgrading to.

If you overclock it to around 3.8GHz (will be hard but is doable) and get the HD3850 512mb then its a decent machine and can easily run youtube vids and a fair few games.
Thats good to hear, kinda wanted this work....i've managed to get my 2.8 to clock to just over 3.2 with no problems so hopefully 3.8 will be ok depending on the proccessor.
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