Is my Mobo fried? help please.

9 Jan 2003
NW England
Hi everyone could you please help me work out what's wrong with my puter?

Basically to the problem, i came to switch on this morning and nothing doing, psu was switched on green light on the mobo lights up but when the on button is pressed nothing no post no beeps just dead :(

my first thought was the modular hiper 580w type r, so after £10 spent on psu tester here's the results.

plug 24pin connector into tester everything lights up ok and all fan's/hdd's/dvd's spin up.
+12v/-12v/+3.3v/+5v/+5vsb/pg all light up showing ok only -5v doesn't light up but that's because atxv2.2 doesn't have it. so all is well with the 24pin connector.

next plug the 4pin extra connector for the mobo and +12v lights up, is this correct does it just supply extra 12v for the cpu socket?

so it looks like the psu is ok, so my next guess would be the mobo what do ya think guys?
reset cmos? maybe the power button on your case is faulty? use a jumper and short the Power SW pins and see if it starts.
sorry about the delay had to bath the kids and read stories etc. dad's works never done, anyway it's my time now, sod the wife lol :D

I've tried resetting cmos and tried shorting out the power sw connectors all to no avail.

so should I rma the mobo?
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