is there a way to spilt Toslink Optical connection into 2?

9 Dec 2006
Im looking for a way to spilt 1 Toslink Connection in to 2, i dont think its possible.

heres my problem. Cambridge DACMagic. has 1 USB & 2 Toslink.

trouble is the USB Port is utter crap. it sounds like its different room. echo, & distance. Toslink is beautiful

now i want to connect all these devices as follows
Mac Pro

Currently have
Mac Pro - Toslink
Ps3 - Toslink
Sky HD not plugged in

i would like the Sky box plugged in

any ideas? i was thinking there might be a spillter out there that has 2 in 1 out with a switch, are these any gd?
I think what you are after is switch as opposed to a splitter.

Do a google search for optical/toslink switch. I cant link any products as they may be classified as competitors. The signal is of course digital so you shouldnt have any issues... Just make sure to buy something that is decent and not overly cheap.
Yeah I used to use a switch, splitters can be trouble as some devices out put a empty data stream even when not in use which stops a splitter working sky box is one of these

Switch is the way to go
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