Is this a real girl, or a lie?

10 Dec 2008
on chat page. Girl flirting around. She says 'You sound amazing .. I'll send some piccys lets meet again' etc etc. She send through this:


Instantly major alarm bells .. I'm thinking 13 year old bloke probably, the picture looks 'too good'. it looks cut from a magazine. Then she (he?) insists and says she can send me as many more as I want and it's legit.. and sends this when I asked her for something from her cheerleading she'd been on about to try and catch her out:


So .. now I'm a'wonderin. whats your guess? A lie? A bloke who right now is p***ing himself? Is there any software that can find any other info on this person from the image? My guess is I'm being played here ... can some computer cleverness find out if this image is from .. er .. somewhere else?
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Maybe a little more information would be good? Chances are though, it's a guy, it's a scammer or it's a foreigner looking for a visa :)
Here email is

soccer_fan_anna@ ********.com

if that helps in any way at all ...

ps. I am married but having beautiful friends ain't against the rules :)
Only way to be sure is Get a recent pic, i.e. if she says "I just went to Disneyland"

Ask for a pic of her in Disneyland.

And get her Facebook page. It should be easy to tell if someone is real or fake.
My brother had something like this last month.

Was playing fifa ultimate team. His oppo had an awesome spanish team. My brother won and they started chatting about UT. She? sent him her name to find her on facebook and she was absolutely fit beyond belief. A ringer for Pheobe from friends.

He added her but she refused his friend request. Still doubt to this day that it was kosher.
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