Is this fair and would it be worthwhile?

1 Dec 2005
Stoke on Trent
My spec is in my sig,

One of my work mates has offered me a straight swap for one of my 7900GT cards and my X2 4200+ CPU in exchange for his FX-60.

He says he wants to go SLI but cant really afford a 2nd card so is offering me this trade.

Im really tempted to rip his arm off but would it be a wise move? Would i lose out on performance by having just 1 7900GT?
unless your going to do some extreme overclocking using phase or something i wouldnt of thought it would be worth it just to get unlocked multis
It's already at FX60 speeds, admitadly the FX60 will hit about 3GHz on air, but the difference is minimal in real terms.

As a gamer SLI is probably a bigger boost (assuming you've got a decent res going).

MeatLoaf said:
Thats what i thought to be honest. My current cpu is not a million miles away from FX-60 speeds.

You've answered your own question , IMO. :D

I wouldn't swap.


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Jokester said:
It's already at FX60 speeds, admitadly the FX60 will hit about 3GHz on air, but the difference is minimal in real terms.

As a gamer SLI is probably a bigger boost (assuming you've got a decent res going).


Im on 1440x900 but im able to run everything maxxed out :)
Depends, TBH do you really do much gaming and at high resolutions?

If you do, then truthfully swapping is silly. Also, as mentioned you can clock pretty high already. So I would probablly wait :)
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