Is this PSU better than the one i thought i had :p

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
Well, after opening up my PC case for the first time, i was suprised to see that i had this PSU:

ThermalTake TR2-550, which is a 550w psu.

The Company i bought the PC off said i had a hiper 530w lol.

Is the THermaltake any better than the hiper? Its not top of the line or anything, and i think its only atx 2.0, but could i finnally try overclocking without thinking my computer will go boom?

heres the specs for it, lots of stuff :p

Features: Complies with ATX 12V 2.0 Version. Supports 2 PCI-Express, 4 S-ATA, and 20+4 pin connector. PFC function, improved energy efficiency and reduced current load on AC delivery systems. Low noise 12cm fan. Power ON/OFF LED indicator: green light indicates power on and orange light indicates stand by mode. Protections against Over Current, Over Voltage, and Short-Circuit. Safety / EMI Approvals: UL, CUL, TUV, and CE certification.

Specifications: P/N: W0101. Maximum Power: 550 Watts. Switches: ATX Logic on-off additional power rocker switch. Color: Black. PFC(Power Factor orrection): PFC. Cooling System: One 12cm Fan. SPEED: 2500 RPM(+/-10%). DIMENSION : 120 x 120 x 25 mm. AIR FLOW: 98.6 CFM. TEMP. AUTO C ONTROL. Noise: 17dB at 1300RPM. P. G. Signal: 100-500 ms. Over Voltage Protection. recycle AC to reset: +5V output 7.0 Vmax, +3.3V output 4.5 Vmax, +12V output 15. 6 Vmax. Dimensions: Unit Size: 14cm(L)x15cm(W)x8.6cm(H). Input: Input Voltage: 115 VAC / 230 VAC. Input Frequency Range: 50 ~ 60 Hz. Input Current: 10.0A / 5.0A. Hold-up Time: 8ms(minimum) at 80%. Efficiency: > 70%.
lots of threads on here about hipers blowing up - haven't seen too many negative posts (or any posts for that matter) on the thermaltake.
prolly not much help ;), but worth mentioning I think.
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