ISDN no more. Spec me a 1MB ISP please

27 Mar 2004

It's been a year since our exchange got ADSL which means it's been a year which my Dad could have got his ass and ordered ADSL but alas he didnt.

So I'm going to confront him tomorrow and get this over with. I can't stand only having 1 HOUR!!! or net time a day. Parents keep going on about why I havent contacted colleges and unis and they somehow think it's possible to do that in less than a hour.

So basically I just want at least 5 people to tell me the same ISP which they haven't had problems with. Need's to be 1MB with no cap's, unlimited time, no disconnects and a static IP.... I think that's it.

I want to run a small server at home and try and learn some stuff which I didn't at a waste of a 2 year college course.

Think you guy's can help me out?

If you want "unlimited" downloads your options are pretty limited, is there a cap you'd be comfortable with, e.g. 30/40/50GB?
Well highest as possible really. But I see all these adds on TV and what have you offering unlimited downloads etc.

Plus Net is one of them on my list
Tob3z said:
But I see all these adds on TV and what have you offering unlimited downloads etc.

AOL and Tiscali mostly. Both crap, at least one has a limit that they don't quite announce.

Plus Net is one of them on my list

Baaaad choice.

ADSLguide is your friend. There's Nildram with a 50GB peak time cap for starters.
What makes you say Plus net is a bad choice?

Just checked there site and the only bad thing I can find is the stupid 15GB peak time cap. Which I would go over so there's no point using them.

Couldn't find Nildram on ADSL guide but I have checked out there site and it looks good (Y). Shame about the static IP being a extra £3.50 a month.

Pipex looks very good. I can't see any cap's but then comes the cost. Dad see's adverts on TV that say broadband for £15.99 a month so when I show him something for £33 a month he is going to want to know what's so good it has to double in price. Something which will be hard to argue with him.
Tob3z said:
What makes you say Plus net is a bad choice?

Beyond the cap (which has been known to vary frequently), there's the rapidly changing T&Cs, aggressive traffic shaping and variable customer service.

Couldn't find Nildram on ADSL guide but I have checked out there site and it looks good (Y). Shame about the static IP being a extra £3.50 a month.

Other than this, this (prices probably out of date) and this?

Pipex looks very good. I can't see any cap's but then comes the cost. Dad see's adverts on TV that say broadband for £15.99 a month so when I show him something for £33 a month he is going to want to know what's so good it has to double in price. Something which will be hard to argue with him.

There's plenty at less than £33 a month, but it's going to depend massively on your usage. Getting a service that's worth using is probably a start. The comparison link should speak for itself when it comes to the two main ISPs advertising in the media (ie AOL and Tiscali).
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Eclipse do up to 8meg for £29.99 a month with 50GB peak time (6pm-12pm) usage but they cap P2P down to about 1meg speeds. Might be worth looking in to. 20GB is £14.99, 30GB for about £19.99 and 40GB for £24.99. It's a case of you get what you pay for in terms of quality/usage limits.
Pho said:
Why do you need a static IP? You could just use something like - it's also much easier to remember.
With the free dynamic DNS services you're limited to a subdomain of the provider's domain though, which becomes a bit of a problem if you want to get your own domain name (I understand there are DNS providers who support this but afaik you have to pay - it's nice to be able to reduce costs so static IP(s) become desirable, but I guess you pay more for that too...).
tolien cheers. I rly must be blind.

OllyM... I don't think there is a budget as such. but like I said my Dad doesn't understand the difference between good broadband and crap.

Nildram it is then. Static IP was just something I would have liked to of had. But I can live without.

Cheers guys. Been a great help. Now to print off and leave on my Dad's desk. Let's see if he takes the hint.
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