ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

I'd be more concerned if they conquered all the territory they claim for their caliphate - basically anywhere that has been "muslim lands" at some point in history, in other words most of central Europe and Spain.

Most of Europe is as good as Muslim land now.

We'll be OK just as long as Obama doesn't let Iran develop nuclear technology,
Oh wait... :eek:
I'd be more concerned if they conquered all the territory they claim for their caliphate - basically anywhere that has been "muslim lands" at some point in history, in other words most of central Europe and Spain.

That would take a large, highly trained, well equipped and effectively commanded military force such as the Werhmacht was in early WW2.

The militant wing of the Allan's Snackbar fan club isn't going to conquer Europe.
Most of Europe is as good as Muslim land now.

lol, what an idiotic comment

"According to the Pew Forum, the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2010 was about 44 million (6%), excluding Turkey. The total number of Muslims in the European Union in 2010 was about 19 million (3.8%)."

We'll be OK just as long as Obama doesn't let Iran develop nuclear technology,
Oh wait... :eek:


You mean those evil Iranians that the US are currently co-operating with and armed forces are collaboratively fighting with against ISIS
That would take a large, highly trained, well equipped and effectively commanded military force such as the Werhmacht was in early WW2.

The militant wing of the Allan's Snackbar fan club isn't going to conquer Europe.

Well for sure the Islamic State's invasion of Europe will only come after they've conquered the Arabian peninsular and North Africa, by which time I'd say their force will be large enough, plus you have all those fifth columns waiting. They seem pretty well led and well equipped now - the only thing they're missing I'd say was an anti-aircraft capability and I can easily see Putin giving them a few Buks in exchange for leaving Tartus alone.
According to the Pew Forum, the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2010

And the number of ISIS militants is tiny too.
It doesn't matter how many there are, it matters what a stink they make when they move into a country.
I defy you to pick any day in the past ten years when Islam didn't get a mention in the media, they are anti democracy and a socially disruptive presence.

You mean those evil Iranians that the US are currently co-operating with and armed forces are collaboratively fighting with against ISIS
The same Iranians that still kill their own people for stupid anti Islamic nonsense, the same Iranians that still talk about destroying Israel.

It is common sense not to let angry ignorant goat herders get their hands on anything more dangerous than a stick covered in bubble wrap. Not weapons measured in megatons.

What does it matter if they are fighting ISIS, we are also fighting ISIS yet many of our own people have already joined them.
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Ignore the xenophobic racist.

You mean those evil Iranians that the US are currently co-operating with and armed forces are collaboratively fighting with against ISIS

I wouldn't go as far as to say collaboratively fighting with one another. Iran are defending their own interests in Iraq and whilst both the West and Iran operate in their airspace (and Iran have boots on the ground), they are all co-operating as far as; they are not striking one another, they are deconflicting with one another and generally not getting in one anothers way. Don't be under any illusion that they're all friends together charging over at the big bad enemy though.
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It doesn't matter how many there are

Errr, yes it does when you are making statements like "Most of Europe is as good as Muslim land now"....I think it is exactly the fundamental part of the argument and just highlights your irrational prejudice over facts.

I defy you to pick any day in the past ten years when Islam didn't get a mention in the media,

If I read the Daily Express I could say the same about Diana Spencer...

The same Iranians that still kill their own people for stupid anti Islamic nonsense, the same Iranians that still talk about destroying Israel.

Welll the Americans still kill their own people too, usually for being non-white it seems...

Ignore the xenophobic racist.

It's hard to ignore and such blatant ignorance should be challenged.

I wouldn't go as far as to say collaboratively fighting with one another. Iran are defending their own interests in Iraq and whilst both the West and Iran operate in their airspace (and Iran have boots on the ground), they are all co-operating as far as; they are not striking one another, deconflicting with one another and generally not getting in one anothers way. Don't be under the illusion that they're all friends together charging over at the big bad enemy though.

Oh, I appreciate it's only a case of the enemy of my eneny is my friend (for now)
The same Iranians that still kill their own people for stupid anti Islamic nonsense, the same Iranians that still talk about destroying Israel.

It is common sense not to let angry ignorant goat herders get their hands on anything more dangerous than a stick covered in bubble wrap. Not weapons measured in megatons.

What does it matter if they are fighting ISIS, we are also fighting ISIS yet many of our own people have already joined them.

you still believe that western media rubbish? Like many within Israel itself - they want to remove the regime occupying the Knesset , as many say they are a judeo-facist regime. Those within Israel say they are not jewish `enough`.
Iran hasn't started a war for over 200 years, can we or 'Merica!' say the same?
I think we need to pipe down and stop telling people what they can and can't do considering our dubious track record, we have zero credibility or moral high-ground imho.
Iran hasn't started a war for over 200 years, can we or 'Merica!' say the same?
I think we need to pipe down and stop telling people what they can and can't do considering our dubious track record, we have zero credibility or moral high-ground imho.

Could almost have come straight from an Islamic State twitter feed...
Iran hasn't started a war for over 200 years, can we or 'Merica!' say the same?
I think we need to pipe down and stop telling people what they can and can't do considering our dubious track record, we have zero credibility or moral high-ground imho.

Eugh, this isn't really a point. "We" as the collective military might of the world have some duty to respond to situations, would you not agree? Yes I admit, many of those responses in the past have been poorly thought out and our motives have been dubious at best. However, when you are witnessing brutal slaughtering of innocents on TV, all in the name of God, do you not think something should be done? What if one of those aid workers, or journalists, were your family member, and you had to endure his beheading on tv? Would you not demand that our government do something? Or do you sit by idly and let it be?
Could almost have come straight from an Islamic State twitter feed...

Or maybe the books of history, sorry you don't like it fella but it's the reality of the matter!

Also anyone that thinks this:

“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.”

Translates too Israel “must be wiped off the face of the map'' is equally in denial of reality!!
Eugh, this isn't really a point. "We" as the collective military might of the world have some duty to respond to situations, would you not agree? Yes I admit, many of those responses in the past have been poorly thought out and our motives have been dubious at best. However, when you are witnessing brutal slaughtering of innocents on TV, all in the name of God, do you not think something should be done? What if one of those aid workers, or journalists, were your family member, and you had to endure his beheading on tv? Would you not demand that our government do something? Or do you sit by idly and let it be?

What like in Rwanda and more recently Sudan ?? lol yeah we're really nice and are just trying to help people!! Wow and I thought I was naive!!
What like in Rwanda and more recently Sudan ?? lol yeah we're really nice and are just trying to help people!! Wow and I thought I was naive!!

Clearly no discussion to be had with you because you're just looking for an argument and throwing insults. So yes, bleat all you like about whatever righteous BS you want, it doesn't matter, we're doing what we need to do and what is right and whatever you bleat is completely insignificant.

That would take a large, highly trained, well equipped and effectively commanded military force such as the Werhmacht was in early WW2.

The militant wing of the Allan's Snackbar fan club isn't going to conquer Europe.

They don't need to, Europe's political class is doing the job for them. Our (Collective) Governments are paralysed in the face of the greatest threat to civilisation since the 7th (or thereabouts) century because they are afraid of "Offending" a supposed minority group!

Oh, and by the way, they already have mostly. Collective memory is terrifyingly short these days, despite historical information never being more accessible. Before the 7th century "Europe" included all of North Africa and much of the near east.

The construction of large Mosques in European cities isn't simply about "Expressing religious Freedom" you know. The Message to the local non-Muslims is actually meant to be the same one that Edward 1 built his Castles for to send to the Welsh!
Dick Cheney made a small fortune by lying about Iraq, he was originally against an invasion but changed his mind in 1995 when he became the CEO of Halliburton.
Haliburton shares increased 500+% after the invasion into Iraq, how this war profiteer hasn't been in court let-alone jailed I'll never know!

But hey if you want to listen too people like him and much of the right wing media/propaganda (which financially benefit from wars) then go ahead, but don't start making out it's some sort of moral crusade as that's utterly asinine!
The fact we have ignored rampant genocide in Africa for decades clearly shows it's about corporate greed & war profiteering and little else!!
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lol, what an idiotic comment

"According to the Pew Forum, the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2010 was about 44 million (6%), excluding Turkey. The total number of Muslims in the European Union in 2010 was about 19 million (3.8%)."


Not that i disagree with you, but are you really pulling out stats that are hopelessly out of date??
Or maybe the books of history, sorry you don't like it fella but it's the reality of the matter!

Also anyone that thinks this:

“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.”

Translates too Israel “must be wiped off the face of the map'' is equally in denial of reality!!

Only a warped interpretation of history - Iran has only existed as a country for 36 years so it's a bit disingenuous to claim they haven't started a war in 200 years. While they might not have "started" a war they've been involved in plenty during those 36 years. Whatever though, this isn't a thread about Iran it's a thread about the Islamic State.
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