ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Dick Cheney made a small fortune by lying about Iraq, he was originally against an invasion but changed his mind in 1995 when he became the CEO of Halliburton.
Haliburton shares increased 500+% after the invasion into Iraq, how this war profiteer hasn't been in court let-alone jailed I'll never know!

But hey if you want to listen too people like him and much of the right wing media/propaganda (which financially benefit from wars) then go ahead, but don't start making out it's some sort of moral crusade as that's utterly asinine!
The fact we have ignored rampant genocide in Africa for decades clearly shows it's about corporate west greed and nothing else!!

I'm not naive enough to doubt the motives of protecting our own interests sweet pea ;) but to me, even if there are those alterior motives, the fact alone that they're beheading Brits is enough to fore go those motives. If you're going to harp on about intervening in Africa then you're a hypocrite because just up above you stated that the UK shouldn't be off doing that.

So you're not even a limp wristed pacifist, you're just looking for an argument based on your own self righteous opinions. Which again are insignificant because they don't count for squat.
Don't put words in my mouth, of course we should try to help if genocide is being committed and people are being slaughtered. That's very different then starting illegal wars for the benefit of western war profiteers or debating whether we should be bombing the hell out of an area of the map that hasn't invaded or started a war in over TWO CENTURIES!
Too late, already doing that, hence opinion is pointless. Go back to reading infowars or whatever else you like to circle jerk to.

Iran hasn't started a war for over 200 years, can we or 'Merica!' say the same?
I think we need to pipe down and stop telling people what they can and can't do considering our dubious track record, we have zero credibility or moral high-ground imho.
Or maybe the books of history, sorry you don't like it fella but it's the reality of the matter!

Also anyone that thinks this:

“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.”

Translates too Israel “must be wiped off the face of the map'' is equally in denial of reality!!

OK, let's go back to the previous Islamic nutjob, Ayatollah Khomeini.

"Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males, provided they are not disabled or incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of [other] countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in the world ... But those who study Islamic Holy War will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world ... Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those [who say this] are witless"

Khomeini implies you are witless and that you don't understand the true nature of Islam?
Not that i disagree with you, but are you really pulling out stats that are hopelessly out of date??

It was a quick google and what came up on Wiki *shrug* and I don't think 5 years is that long a frame time to make the statistics irrelevant, but if you have some more up to date ones then I would be happy to use those.

But as you agree, they are not going to support the statement that "Most of Europe is mostly Muslim land now" as it's not going to have gone from 3.9% of the population to over 50%
The impression is just as important as the numbers, if people feel that 24% of the population is muslim, then that has an effect on their perceived quality of life.

You can't even get the quote correct :p
OK, let's go back to the previous Islamic nutjob, Ayatollah Khomeini.

"Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males, provided they are not disabled or incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of [other] countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in the world ... But those who study Islamic Holy War will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world ... Those who know nothing of Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war. Those [who say this] are witless"

Khomeini implies you are witless and that you don't understand the true nature of Islam?

the man who wanted to replace 1 despot regime (supported by the usa and uk) - the shah , with a theology. like all revolutions ,at the beginning the fervor is aimed in the right cause.......
the man who wanted to replace 1 despot regime (supported by the usa and uk) - the shah , with a theology. like all revolutions ,at the beginning the fervor is aimed in the right cause.......

Islam's trail of blood and terror isn't a matter of temporary political expediency, it's just a fact of life.
It was a quick google and what came up on Wiki *shrug* and I don't think 5 years is that long a frame time to make the statistics irrelevant, but if you have some more up to date ones then I would be happy to use those.

But as you agree, they are not going to support the statement that "Most of Europe is mostly Muslim land now" as it's not going to have gone from 3.9% of the population to over 50%

Would you agree that once the population goes over 50% then Europe would be mostly Muslim lands? Would you have a problem with that? Guess not.

Tbh I feel it's inevitable that Islam will dominate Europe - Europeans have no fight left in them. The jihadis won't need >50% population to be Muslim to achieve this, all they'll need is one-two hundred thousand jihadis in Europe and organised properly.
you seem to want to avoid the entirety of the crusades....the siege of Jerusalem in 1099 for example.

In what sense are the Crusades a current fact of life? We were talking about the face of Islam since the 80's

I'm not worried about people in armour causing a ruckus on Stafford high street,
I'm worried about the next beheading that takes place in our country because idiot sky pixie says so.
In what sense are the Crusades a current fact of life? We were talking about the face of Islam since the 80's

I'm not worried about people in armour causing a ruckus on Stafford high street,
I'm worried about the next beheading that takes place in our country because idiot sky pixie says so.

you don't really know anything about the crusades do you? I would suggest reading a lot more of the subject before you start with the `sky pixies` style comments.

As it was Christian `sky pixies` who told Raymond of Aguilers and Godfrey of Bouillon not only to kill all the muslims who had surrendered at the dome of rock (a number of around 10,000) , but also to set a fire in the jewish synagogue with the jews inside.

history repeating itself
Would you agree that once the population goes over 50% then Europe would be mostly Muslim lands? Would you have a problem with that? Guess not.

I probably wouldn't care no, because if that ever happened I would be dead by then anyway :p

Tbh I feel it's inevitable that Islam will dominate Europe

And I feel that is an unfortunate viewpoint fostered by the fearmongering of our media.

Maybe I'm naive, maybe you're a tin foil hatter. Only time will tell, and if I am still alive if it happens you're welcome to say I told you so :)
you did read the news about the CHRISTIAN biker gang shoot out in the usa?

Do we have biker gangs with guns in the UK?
Err no.

Do we have organised Christian church violence of any sort?
Don't think so, bar some pensioners fighting over the jumble stall.

Do we have muslims beheading people in the high street and planning terror attacks?

Do we have nutters from ISIS on their way to Europe?

There are trails of blood and terror everywhere these people go. Fact of life.
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But as you agree, they are not going to support the statement that "Most of Europe is mostly Muslim land now" as it's not going to have gone from 3.9% of the population to over 50%

No i agree with you, it'll more like the UK with pocket areas that are much higher than the average now like the big cities in the UK. It won't be spread out across the whole area. Unfortunately they can do a lot of damage with less people that way
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