ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

They do seem to be born from a perfect storm of events. No way the Iraqi military personnel will hang around to face them without very strong leadership and support. Would you? You could fight but as soon as you run out of supplies or ammunition then you know full well your fate.
200 vs 2000 is massively embarrassing though. How much money from the west went to training and arming those troops? A large amount of which will now be IS hands. I guess in the chaos 200 might as well be 20,000. Probably a small enough group to escape detection from the air too. I'm sure they've learned travelling in large convoys is a bad idea.
Unless something is done the only way to fight back is to use militias which won't up and run. Trouble is in the long run that's not going to make things better.

Really can't see a way out of this without a sizable western force on the ground to support the Iraqi army. Or just split the country up.
Indeed. There is no place for censorship in modern UK as far as I'm concerned. The current system works fine as it is with complaints heard after the fact.

It's a complete reversal and would allow for even more back handed affairs of companies and government could veto tv or news before it reached the public.

In reality if a person can be "turned" just from hearing that prat on TV then there's a damn good chance they're that way inclined as it is and will find motivation elsewhere.
We can counter IS in this country without draconian laws.

Evidence would seem to suggest otherwise.

I trace the reason why we can't have nice things back to the decision someone took that Britain should become a multi-cultural country. No-one was asked if this was what they wanted, no-one was told this was going to happen but it did and the divisions in our society are growing more and more apparent as the liberal, laissez-faire attitude of government proves itself more and more ineffective. We need to take a leaf out of a successful multi-cultural country like Singapore where sedition is simply not tolerated anymore than racism is in this country.
Yeah no and I'm back to disagreeing with scorza (was nice while it lasted:D).

You can't have freedom with something like that. There would be little for the government to ban any opposing viewpoint.

I may hate what prats like that say but I'll defend to the death their right to say it whilst in this country. Prosecute them under the current laws there is no need for more extreme versions.
Yeah no and I'm back to disagreeing with scorza (was nice while it lasted:D).

You can't have freedom with something like that. There would be little for the government to ban any opposing viewpoint.

I may hate what prats like that say but I'll defend to the death their right to say it whilst in this country. Prosecute them under the current laws there is no need for more extreme versions.

What is this obsession with "freedom" that's become en vogue all of a sudden? People do realise that Team America was satire right? Are the people of Singapore as free as they are here or in the US? Probably not, but I say they're free enough.
On the same basis why do we want to restrict ourselves further than we already are?

Wheres the line before free becomes not free?

If we keep pushing this way we'll find out and I'd prefer not to.

Sedition means to cause insurrection against the established order does it not? Thus what's to stop outlawing of groups like UKIP or the Greens for going against the current accepted norms. All it would achieve is the ability to prosecute people or groups with opposing views. That's not free at all and would merely lead to slower changes rather than halting them.
tbh we should just encourage anyone who wants to join isis to go and do it.
burn their passports as they leave.

anyone who supports isis should win a free trip to, no point pushing them underground and off the radar
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