ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

No doubt he was a kind and caring boy, a pillar of the community like Mark Duggan. Very sad to see something going on thousands of miles away could invoke such a reaction, teenage boys should be caring about spots, women, staying in bed!
Why is it when a young man or woman get caught up in all this madness. The media and those close to those involved. Say the individual was either groomed or radicalised?

I mean what's to say they didn't naturally have these radical views before even hearing out groups like ISIS? Why are they made to look like victims?
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Why is it when I young man or woman get caught up in all this madness. The media and those close to those involved. Say the individual was either groomed or radicalised?

I mean what's to say they didn't naturally have these radical views before even hearing out groups like ISIS? Why are they made to look like victims?

Who grooms the groomers?
Iraq needs Carving up into 3, without a chief general Bas**** to keep it in check it all goes FUBAR.

Islam really has shafted that entire region, the people have no idea what to do with free will or freedom.

Still it took us 800 years to this day to get where we are now :)
Suggest how.
Serious Scorza suggestions please.

Apologies for not responding to this sooner - only just seen it today. On the basis that you can't fight the idea of Islamic supremacy with soldiers and policemen, I've developed a five point plan which represents a different idea; namely that Islam is not above the law in the UK.

1. No planning permission to be granted for any Mosque with a minaret
2. Separate radical Muslim inmates at Her Majesty's Prisons from the rest of the prison population
3. Ban on face coverings in public
4. New criminal offence of operating a Sharia law court in the UK
5. Compulsory purchase and demolish Mosques where hate preachers have been allowed to operate and turn them into public places.

I don't claim that this is a panacea to the disease of Islamic extremism - ultimately it's going to be down to local communities to root out the cancer themselves. After all, it's their kids that are blowing themselves up in Syria and they don't want that do they?
Apologies for not responding to this sooner - only just seen it today. On the basis that you can't fight the idea of Islamic supremacy with soldiers and policemen, I've developed a five point plan which represents a different idea; namely that Islam is not above the law in the UK.

1. No planning permission to be granted for any Mosque with a minaret
2. Separate radical Muslim inmates at Her Majesty's Prisons from the rest of the prison population
3. Ban on face coverings in public
4. New criminal offence of operating a Sharia law court in the UK
5. Compulsory purchase and demolish Mosques where hate preachers have been allowed to operate and turn them into public places.

I don't claim that this is a panacea to the disease of Islamic extremism - ultimately it's going to be down to local communities to root out the cancer themselves. After all, it's their kids that are blowing themselves up in Syria and they don't want that do they?

6. If anyone complains, free ticket to Syria

Another 12 British Muslims putatively on their way to join the Islamic State after doing the Hajj. Amazing when you think that there isn't much support for IS in this country according to some numpties on this forum lol.

That's low even for you, scorza. The kids are victims, not IS supporters.

As long as it's one-way, it's fine by me.

What a stupid, thoughtless thing to say.
1. No planning permission to be granted for any Mosque with a minaret

I drive past a Sikh temple occasionally in Leamington spa and I look at it in wonder as it's a truly amazing looking building.

And all we can do for our local churches is to keep patching them up as thieves keep stripping the lead off the roof.

Another 12 British Muslims putatively on their way to join the Islamic State after doing the Hajj. Amazing when you think that there isn't much support for IS in this country according to some numpties on this forum lol.

How many British muslims have fled to ISIS? probably a few hundred at the most but for argument sake lets say it's a ridiculous number like 10k muslins

slam is the second largest religion with results from the United Kingdom Census 2011 giving the UK Muslim population in 2011 as 2,786,635
seems safe to suggest a very minute minority of UK Muslims support or join ISIS

Aren't they nearly always teenagers as well?

I drive past a Sikh temple occasionally in Leamington spa and I look at it in wonder as it's a truly amazing looking building.

And all we can do for our local churches is to keep patching them up as thieves keep stripping the lead off the roof.
They built one not far from where I live a few years back to replace an existing building.

Not so grand as the warwick one though
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Apologies for not responding to this sooner - only just seen it today. On the basis that you can't fight the idea of Islamic supremacy with soldiers and policemen, I've developed a five point plan which represents a different idea; namely that Islam is not above the law in the UK.

1. No planning permission to be granted for any Mosque with a minaret
2. Separate radical Muslim inmates at Her Majesty's Prisons from the rest of the prison population
3. Ban on face coverings in public
4. New criminal offence of operating a Sharia law court in the UK
5. Compulsory purchase and demolish Mosques where hate preachers have been allowed to operate and turn them into public places.

1. LOL
2. Ok
3. Would create more support for isis
4. A criminal offense to use a sharia law court....surely you would rather they not exist ?
5. Im 50/50 on that one, on one hand you're punishing others who use them just to pray and on the other....they had their chance to use them just for good.
The simple fact is most of these people wouldn't be "radicalised" if they hadn't been indoctrinated from birth by their family that Islam is true and the book is the literal word of God.

Because once they belive that it's very easy to point to n the chapters that call for war and violence and hey its the word of God they have to obey since they're true believers.

Best way these people could protect their children is not to pass on their religion to them
Apologies for not responding to this sooner - only just seen it today. On the basis that you can't fight the idea of Islamic supremacy with soldiers and policemen, I've developed a five point plan which represents a different idea; namely that Islam is not above the law in the UK.

1. No planning permission to be granted for any Mosque with a minaret
2. Separate radical Muslim inmates at Her Majesty's Prisons from the rest of the prison population
3. Ban on face coverings in public
4. New criminal offence of operating a Sharia law court in the UK
5. Compulsory purchase and demolish Mosques where hate preachers have been allowed to operate and turn them into public places.

I don't claim that this is a panacea to the disease of Islamic extremism - ultimately it's going to be down to local communities to root out the cancer themselves. After all, it's their kids that are blowing themselves up in Syria and they don't want that do they?

No mention of the closure of Islamic schools where radicals have taken the upper hand as these must surely be a source of indoctrination?
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