ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Met police officer bullied into removing Help For Heroes wristband in east London :(

Disappointing that a police officer allowed himself to be bullied like that tbh. Whilst I am all for respecting him for not letting his personal opinions being shared when working in a professional capacity he could quite easily have said:

"Sorry, sir but I am allowed by the policies of the Metropolitan Police to wear this band. If you have an issue with the edict then you can contact xyz on tel no 123. I am sure you understand I am here to work in a professional capacity not discuss things of a personal nature." - and not remove the band.

If he can't stand his ground then I can't imagine his fellow officers will be that impressed with him even if he uses the avoiding confrontation line. In my opinion to prevent incidents like the police should not really be wearing such armbands for this very reason.

And before someone jumps on me for saying that I've done my fair share of tours in that part of the world and am an active supporter of Help for Heroes. Not everyone is a fan of such causes though, especially in an area like that, and there is no need for personal expression in a professional capacity in my opinion.
And before someone jumps on me for saying that I've done my fair share of tours in that part of the world and am an active supporter of Help for Heroes. Not everyone is a fan of such causes though, especially in an area like that, and there is no need for personal expression in a professional capacity in my opinion.

Tours, so you've been in active service in the army?
Tours, so you've been in active service in the army?

Yep, thought I had mentioned that before. Maybe not so often as some though. :D It's how I ended up in paeds because going back in time to then everything fell apart because the lions share of what you saw was humanitarian work and the bulk of that is paediatrics so they were willing to financially assist people through that route. I couldn't have afforded to do it otherwise.
Why do we tolerate scum like that Choudary?

Just black bag the sucker and be done with it. Get MI5\MI6 to do it. He is poison.

Your too soft and sentimental, he's playing games so the authorities are playing games back with him, it's all about who holds the moral high ground, he thinks he does we think we do, so it a cat and mouse game to play.
Disappointing that a police officer allowed himself to be bullied like that tbh. Whilst I am all for respecting him for not letting his personal opinions being shared when working in a professional capacity he could quite easily have said:

"Sorry, sir but I am allowed by the policies of the Metropolitan Police to wear this band. If you have an issue with the edict then you can contact xyz on tel no 123. I am sure you understand I am here to work in a professional capacity not discuss things of a personal nature." - and not remove the band.

If he can't stand his ground then I can't imagine his fellow officers will be that impressed with him even if he uses the avoiding confrontation line. In my opinion to prevent incidents like the police should not really be wearing such armbands for this very reason.

And before someone jumps on me for saying that I've done my fair share of tours in that part of the world and am an active supporter of Help for Heroes. Not everyone is a fan of such causes though, especially in an area like that, and there is no need for personal expression in a professional capacity in my opinion.

Thing is, I bet in the Met police he'll probably get an attaboy for diffusing potentially serious situation - I'm sure Burnsy or Von Smallhausen will be along soon to defend him. The problem is that in doing so he's made himself and the Met look weak, which will hand a massive boost to the jihadis.
Thing is, I bet in the Met police he'll probably get an attaboy for diffusing potentially serious situation - I'm sure Burnsy or Von Smallhausen will be along soon to defend him. The problem is that in doing so he's made himself and the Met look weak, which will hand a massive boost to the jihadis.

I did acknowledge the fact in my post that he didn't escalate a potential hostile situation but then he shouldn't have created that in the first place. There is no need to wear such a bracelet in a professional capacity. And I agree he looked weak - in fairness he didn't look the most physically adept or mentally adept of police officers I have seen.

When you are a professional you are expected to leave you personal views at the door. I had and still have strong personal views but that didn't mean I treated people differently. Although in fairness I think I was generally that knackered I was usually on autopilot anyway.

David Cameron was right after all.

Yep, he does have a point and it's something I've thought for some time. The only way radicalisation is going to be stopped is by the communities the people actually come from. What we need to do is to get them to step up their game and do that - what we also need to do is to not make it any more difficult for them to do so.
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