ISIS and Islamic militants - discussion

Which is what one would expect a grieving family to say. Stages of grief and all that eh, anger - denial etc etc.

Same goes the other way let's not pretend this is just about Islam because it's not.

But they have gone from being completely in the dark to saying the the three women were being harassed by the police etc.
But they have gone from being completely in the dark to saying the the three women were being harassed by the police etc.

Grieving people don't tend to act that rationally I find. Maybe you've met lots of people who cope quite well with losing a child. Personally I've never seen it. Deep down they will know they will have had some part to play in this and that knowledge will gnaw at them and the natural response is to project blame outwards.

It is blatantly obvious normal kids tend to not go down this route and there must have been some influence somewhere of a sympathetic kind. However, as a parent I think there is a difference between moaning against a theoretical construct in an abstract fashion and having your kids actually participating in such a conflict. I fully expect they really regret their decisions and comments.

I just think the flippant blame game is not helping anyone in the same way I don't think the denial of it being a problem with Islam helps either. This is another classic polarised argument but that helps no-one and until people accept there is fault most likely all around in differing proportions these problems will propagate.
Grieving people don't tend to act that rationally I find. Maybe you've met lots of people who cope quite well with losing a child. Personally I've never seen it. Deep down they will know they will have had some part to play in this and that knowledge will gnaw at them and the natural response is to project blame outwards.

It is blatantly obvious normal kids tend to not go down this route and there must have been some influence somewhere of a sympathetic kind. However, as a parent I think there is a difference between moaning against a theoretical construct in an abstract fashion and having your kids actually participating in such a conflict. I fully expect they really regret their decisions and comments.

I just think the flippant blame game is not helping anyone in the same way I don't think the denial of it being a problem with Islam helps either. This is another classic polarised argument but that helps no-one and until people accept there is fault most likely all around in differing proportions these problems will propagate.

I agree with all of that, the problem is CAGE have now latched onto this and the narrative is changing.
Well of course they will it's very important to fight for the rights of the disadvantaged from the suburbs of Surrey when you don't have to face the consequences of anything you champion.

Cynicism aside though unfortunately when you do champion human right's it is inevitable that you will start by defending the rights of those who maybe morally deserve their rights defending the least. These are the cases at the cutting edge and that is where the battles are fought it is always as thus.
Oh man why did humanity invent the idea of heaven. It's the most terrible thing ever conceived by man. Paired with the fact that so many people are illiterate, you get idiots doing anything they can to get closer to their Gods.

These three sisters are deluded beyond belief, I can't even imagine the thought process: "We cant fight, but lets go treat those Muslim fighters to our vaginas. God will be really pleased with that." And then the other retarded sister must have said, "We're not even virgins though, Islam hates non-virgins, so lets take our children too, god will really be pleased if we sacrifice their virginity to Islam". And then the third sister must have been like, "That will definitely get us into heaven".

Utter utter delusion.
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Yep and herewithin lies the problem with religion and ideological thinking that is religion like. It removes the thought process so people can rationalise what is abhorrent and obviously wrong.

Although in fairness we can see in multiple threads here that is not the only mechanic people can reach some strange conclusions by not thinking for a variety of reasons but nothing quite shapes it into such deviant forms as the rationalisation that "bad" acts are being done for a "greater" purpose.

This is why everything should be done to stop such ideologies being spread, challenging them and certainly removing any state sanctioning they have. Getting rid of all faith schools would be a good start - kids aren't born religious they are indoctrinated into it.
Isis is not following a religion.

why did humanity invent the idea of heaven
The vikings thought the only good death was to die in battle to go into Valhalla. If it wasnt heaven people would always label some kind of continued existence combined with a human bias to believe you are superior to all others they'll always be people like this
Oh man why did humanity invent the idea of heaven. It's the most terrible thing ever conceived by man. Paired with the fact that so many people are illiterate, you get idiots doing anything they can to get closer to their Gods.

These three sisters are deluded beyond belief, I can't even imagine the thought process: "We cant fight, but lets go treat those Muslim fighters to our vaginas. God will be really pleased with that." And then the other retarded sister must have said, "We're not even virgins though, Islam hates non-virgins, so lets take our children too, god will really be pleased if we sacrifice their virginity to Islam". And then the third sister must have been like, "That will definitely get us into heaven".

Utter utter delusion.

The reality being they will possibly end up as sex slaves to be whored around by ISIL hierarchy. The hypocrisy of which is astounding.
CAGE should be deterred or removed, I mean overlord Cameron said so himself, they knowingly support terrorists, complicit.

The foundation is certainly there.
" Religion was born to control people. Look at it historically. Women were controlled by men (told to be subservient, that it was a sin to divorce or to have sex with more than one man, etc) When leaders came into power they would take out parts of the bible or add to it to control the people. People are taught not to question the bible or the church leaders.

Religion is control because if the majority didnt have a reason to be "good" obey laws etc they wouldnt be. the fear of heaven and hell was used to motivate people to be law abiding.

Religion is control because people would loose it if they knew that death was permanent and they would never see a loved one again. ITs the belief in life after death that heals a broken heart and also motivates a person to live a good life so ethey can be able to go to heaven and be reunited with their family and friends.

They coexist.....Im not sure that they do achieve that. Many are intolerant of each other. People from one religion will condemn the other as blasphemy and untrue. They tend to be ethnocentric believeing their religion is he only one and true one. Many wars have been and are being fought over religion. Yup, they teach love, forgiveness, not judging others but religions are very judging, very unforgiving and sometimes even cruel. "

Very spot on as far as I am concerned. ;)

I can smell it from here! "smell what?" Religion I said! :p
Isis is not following a religion.

ISIS is using components of a religion to shape its ideology. That religion is Islam. They have chosen some aspects of it to support their goals and to justify them.

You can argue if you wish they are not Islamic if they don't follow all the parts of the faith but that is a fruitless argument one only needs to read the Old Testament to see that Christians don't implement all aspects of their faith but we don't stop calling them Christians because they don't let passing hoodlums rape their children do we.
Why do we tolerate scum like that Choudary?

Just black bag the sucker and be done with it. Get MI5\MI6 to do it. He is poison.

This choudary Chap has been around for quite sometime and I'm sursprised that he still is after some of his news interviews - he acts as a self imposed ambassador to speak on behalf of the modern muslims perpective on all things controvertial. He is courting a fine line IMO. Either he wants to martyr himself and/or he is cooperative with the authorities. He is quite a character and he is ****ing people off everywhere he goes, I'm surprised that controvesy hasn't caught up with him. Just my 2 Rupees.
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This choudary Chap has been around for quite sometime and I'm sursprised that he still is after some of his news interviews - he acts as a self imposed ambassador to speak on behalf of the modern muslims perpective on all things controvertial. He is courting a fine line IMO. Either he wants to martyr himself and/or he is cooperative with the authorities. He is quite a character and he is ****ing people off everywhere he goes, I'm surprised that controvesy hasn't caught up with him. Just my 2 Rupees.
Aye he sails very close to the edge and has been associated with a lot of people over the years that have end up in prison / Syria / doing terroristy stuff.
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