

sorry, my PC reset. i have a feeling my voltages may be a leeetle bit too low...

only until saturday, then new PSU and this can go back in the attic.
if anybody else fancys hosting then that would be cool...
Rincewind said:
sorry, my PC reset. i have a feeling my voltages may be a leeetle bit too low...

only until saturday, then new PSU and this can go back in the attic.
if anybody else fancys hosting then that would be cool...

that doesnt seem sooo bad. i run my processor at 0.1v less than its supposed to run at... and its overclocked... and it doesnt reach the new value either. Its currently at 1.38v (rated 1.5 apu).
Rincewind said:
sorry, my PC reset. i have a feeling my voltages may be a leeetle bit too low...

only until saturday, then new PSU and this can go back in the attic.
if anybody else fancys hosting then that would be cool...

Those are fine.
****ing idiots and noobs ruining it (didn't mean any offence zip, but you're not supposed to use letters, and you kinda suck)
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