Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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It would still be the same reason: All Jews must be killed.

Bibi has wanted war since he came back into power. He's done nothing moderate and clearly wanted a fight -with his actions and his words.

You can go back in history and say it was our fault (it was) giving that land to Israel and it's been chaos ever since but that doesn't help what's going on today.

The only solution to this is a two state system but Israel still continually tries to take land by force and the Palestinians keep voting in people with no interest in talking and supported by certain other nations. There's no way here to get that two state solution with the two parties that are in power and with Iran poking it's nose in.

Both sides are to blame here.. but when you've got several million people crammed into a tiny space with no prospects, no proper lives and Israel basically taunting them at every turn.. do you really expect them to vote in moderates? Do you even expect a just election?

I think what is happening now was always the only way this was going to go.. and that's utterly appaling for the Palestinians and Israeli's that live in those areas closest.
I get the impression that some people really want to say the settler families and people at the concert deserved it.

Well probably a repost but here is what Hamas' Head of Political and International Relations said on Sky News:
Doctor Basem Naim told Sky's Mark Austin that only Israeli "soldiers" were killed.

From 1:50: "no we have not killed any civilians"

That's what Israel (& TBH, the entire liberal western world) are dealing with.
....The division was rejected by the Arabs in it's entirety. They refused to accept it and surrounding Arab nations waged war on Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973 in which they lost even more territory. At which point, 60 years later they wanted a take back but that ship had long sailed.

I can understand that point. The issue seems to be that some Israelis, who dont seem happy with it either, have been illegally occupying Palestinian land, stealing homes and pushing the Palestinian people out of Palestinian land. The above argument you made would hold water better if the Israelis didnt continue seizing lands NOT borne of the type of conflict you mention.

Do you agree or disagree that Israelis should be allowed to sieze land by essentially stealing homes as they have been? (not spoils of war)
Bibi is relatively moderate when compared to some of the other elected members of parliament. This is the problem, both sides just are lurching further extreme. Hamas and other terror groups dont want peace, they love this destruction, as do factions within Israel. The world needs this conflict to continue aswell. We all need a bad guy and theres too many players with a vested interest.
Well probably a repost but here is what Hamas' Head of Political and International Relations said on Sky News:
Doctor Basem Naim told Sky's Mark Austin that only Israeli "soldiers" were killed.

From 1:50: "no we have not killed any civilians"

That's what Israel (& TBH, the entire liberal western world) are dealing with.
Makes sense when you remember they want to wipe every jew off the face of the earth. So yeah, there are no civilans under those circumstances.
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They didn't accept it. They waged war, lost, also lost land in the process, and here we are.

The possibility of losing territory should be considered before attacking your neighbor. If you think you should he able to try and destroy your neighbor, then just hit the reset buttone if you fail, well then it makes sense that you would just do it again and again.

What do you suggest is the correct response to losing territory/lands/homes where you havent attacked your neighbour? Where your neighbour just moves in and takes your home and pushes you out Cuckoo style knowing you have the backing of a better military as backup/intimidation?

Closer to home for you @Twinz - It would be like the USA expanding into Mexico or Canada and just spreading out, displacing the Mexican population knowing there is nothing they can really do about it (NATO implications aside for Canada example)
What do you suggest is the correct response to losing territory/lands/homes where you havent attacked your neighbour? Where your neighbour just moves in and takes your home and pushes you out Cuckoo style knowing you have the backing of a better military as backup/intimidation?

Closer to home for you @Twinz - It would be like the USA expanding into Mexico or Canada and just spreading out, displacing the Mexican population knowing there is nothing they can really do about it (NATO implications aside for Canada example)
Native Americans already went through that.
It's not going to be pleasant, and I hope civilian casualties are kept to a minimum, but Hamas need to be wiped out. The USA may as well give Israel a hand if they've got their aircraft carrier nearby.
Well probably a repost but here is what Hamas' Head of Political and International Relations said on Sky News:
Doctor Basem Naim told Sky's Mark Austin that only Israeli "soldiers" were killed.

From 1:50: "no we have not killed any civilians"

That's what Israel (& TBH, the entire liberal western world) are dealing with.
This guy literally sounds like the folks in that other thread about Russell Brand

Well probably a repost but here is what Hamas' Head of Political and International Relations said on Sky News:
Doctor Basem Naim told Sky's Mark Austin that only Israeli "soldiers" were killed.

From 1:50: "no we have not killed any civilians"

That's what Israel (& TBH, the entire liberal western world) are dealing with.

Not entirely accurate that quote. He said settlers are not civilians as they're aggressors. Whether these were only Settler regions targeted I know not. And it hardly seems any type of moral justification.
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