Issue with prints

27 Mar 2013
Hi guys I print the odd thing on my Xmax 3D printer, however some stuff seems to be incomplete. I'm wondering if it's a wall thickness issue as it tends to be models that are thin in one plane. I tried an SSD from star wars so goes to a point and while the rear printed out fine, there were gaps towards the top (printed it vertical to reduce chance of warping). Any thoughts? I'm using the slicer software that came with it which I believe is just reskinned cura.
It's a bit hard to snap a pic as I'm using black filament. There's almost like a hollow where there's no filing, and when I watch the render if the print on screen that's sort of what it looks like, I'm just not sure why. That sound be triangular shaped.

It's under extruded for sure and cooling looks to be an issue to. So check your extruding normally, check e steps etc. Try printing a few of them at a time to give the layers a chance to cool. What temp are you printing at?

A .4mm nozzle will have a line width of around .4-.43 so anything smaller than that is going to be a challenge to print.
I'll check when I get chance. The fan was on in the printer, however it's been out on the machine for a couple of months so not sure if that's causing problems too.
Just checked, line width was .4. I had a look at the print and when it's rendered it looks hollow but not sure why, sometimes models just seem to not work.
That looks like damp filament to me. If its been out in the open for a while it will absorb moisture and then steams in the hot end causing under extrusion. Try a new spool of filament. You can dry damn spools and even buy driers but i just keel mine in a Tupperware box with a silica gel pouch when i'm not using them.
I tried drying it for 6 hours. Was printing a small tie fighter which was perfect until it got half way up and then the print went off. Starting a fresh model had the same results I've switched over to some old abs I had but that's giving me issues too:rolleyes:.
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