It used to be so much fun.......

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I don't really know why he has left...and to be honest... It doesn't really bother me - as I said - his posts were constructive, non-agressive and worth reading..

I also can't recall him using the antagonistic Caps lock key to prove points which is unusual these days ;)
divosuk said:
I don't really know why he has left...and to be honest... It doesn't really bother me - as I said - his posts were constructive, non-agressive and worth reading..

I also can't recall him using the antagonistic Caps lock key to prove points which is unusual these days ;)
Well the 'antagonistic caps lock key' got people to actually pay attention to what several of us have been saying since page one didn't it...

Besides, I never use caps lock, it's little finger on shift all the way ;)
Bye Feek,

I hardly ever visit GD, but you stood out from the crowd and im sorry your leaving.

Take care

Hey Feek, I've posted in disbelief in a couple of GD threads lately.

Though I tend not to visit GD too much, there are still the occassional diamonds though I agree, it's not as generally cool as it used to be.

Maybe that's because I'm older and more boring, though :p

See ya 'round :)
SideWinder said:
Sequoia: Your technique would work for some people but in my eyes, it wouldn't work for me. I would hate to judge people just by a thread they had done a week ago or something and instantly dismiss another thread started by then as rubbish. :)
That's why I said 'if it happens two or three times'.

If someone has to ask strangers on the internet which training shoes to buy, or what colour socks to wear, or what to have for breakfast, I'm not convinced I should put much credence in their opinion on modern political controversy, the arts or philosophy ...... and GD is a well-known mine of gems in modern political controversy, the arts or philosophy, of course.

Note : if you're reading this and your sarcasm detector hasn't just overloaded, I'd suggest seeing a doctor about it. :D

SideWinder said:
Besides, say you can't sleep, it's 2am, the forum is could you not resist the temptation to look at every thread in GD on the first few pages? :o
How can I resist a fascinating discussion to assist someone that needs help choosing the next mornings socks? Oh, easily, SideWinder. Very easily. :D

I doubt I ever open more than 50% of GD threads. If I did, I suspect I'd have preceded Feeks departure (or apparent departure, whatever) by months.
i think a lot of the posts in this very thread are prime examples of what's 'wrong' with this place...

you get the 'elite-50' or so members, all best buddies...going on meets...posting photos...having the best time! ;) All that kinda stuff. And it's all fact it's nice...but it does create that cliquey atmosphere. That's the best i can describe it..and i'm pretty sure a lot of members here know what i mean. Sometimes when reading/posting thread you feel like you're in 'their town'..gotta watch what you say etc.

It's like with Feek's really not that sad. Honest. But then buddies of his post comments or make suggestions that there was some deep seated reason for his going...but then don't say what. How mysterious!..and suddenly you have 7+ pages of it! Again, very cliquey..and quite off putting i think. Personally, i couldn't care less why he's gone and i'm sure the fine folks on these forums will keep the community thriving. The ONLY thing i recall him giving this forum is pictures of beer. Perhaps that's enough?! :D :p

An example of this cliquiness (a word?!) would be Dymetrie (sorry to name you fella, you're just the first that springs to mind). Personally i've never noticed the guy on these forums (again, no offence!)..until he went to the meet in London. Now he's like a stand out buddies with everyone, sharing the little in jokes etc..defending Feek's honour like his life depended on it. Again, sorry for naming you mate.. :)

I'm sure the man himself has signed out of OCUK and is now sitting in front of his PC basking in the glory of us all having so many opinions about him. This thread is ALL about the attention..and he's getting it. To be fair, he did seem like a decent guy..but there are many, many decent people on here (megzy, you included ...i think the **** you have to put up with from certain other members on here is appalling - personally i think you've provided more entertainment that Feek ever did!).

All this of course is in my opinion. I'm not trying to rub anyone up the wrong way. :)

PS i've had a long, hard day at work..if any of the above doesn't make sense...well, sorry. I know what i mean!
Sequoia said:
what sequoia said
Sequoia, I often read your posts and think that you've posted a well thought out and informative answer...

but this time I have to ask if you've read the thread..?

this is your second post here and it has been stated several times by people that know Feek that he did not leave because of the tripe in GD at the moment (admittedly your second post was an answer to someone else's post so 'll let that slide).

can I request a return to form from you please?
I don't like the idea that there are things about this forum that you can dislike but feel unable to comment on. The whole idea of an online community such as this is it must shape itself to a certain extent, with boundarys set by the mods.

If feek was leaving anyway, why not risk a suspension and voice his true feelings rather than blame it on gd spam?

I am intrigued to know what the real reason he left is. I don't see a problem with the gd myself, its a general discussion forum, you can't expect it to be packed with threads that suit your exact tastes and interests.
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