I honestly don't get it.
I have a tendency to build a PC, get annoyed by it, sell it, buy a console, then a few months later build another pc thinking the experience is going to be different.
This has happened 3 times now.
My first build was a 9700k, RTX 2080TI, Seasonic Focus Plus 850W platinum, decent motherboard, decent ram etc with an Acer X27 "G Sync Ultimate" monitor.
My second build was a 5800x, RTX 3080 & RTX 3090, same PSU, decent motherboard, decent ram with a Odyssey G9.
My third and current build is an ITX 5600x, RTX 3060TI, Corsair SFX 750W, B550i gaming, 16gb ddr4 3600mhz ram, 2 x 1TB SSD blah blah, with a Dell AW2721d "G Sync Ultimate" monitor.
All third builds have had a common problem.
Stuttering. I have done countless windows rebuilds.
Sometimes its fine. Sometimes its crazy bad. I was just playing Hitman 3, and it would average about 140fps.. and sometimes drop down to 6fps. I've experienced this on all three builds, and im starting to believe that despite all the technologies, g sync, v sync, PC gaming is just like this.. full of stuttering.
I honestly don't know what to do.
I have followed all the guides.. amending nvidia control panel settings, turning on resize bar, game mode on.
I'm not overclocking except for XMP. I'm not installing anything except drivers.. this was on a fresh windows 10 build.
What do I do? I feel like this cycle is going to happen again and again. >_< help me please. What am i doing wrong?
Temps are fine btw, 70 degrees.
I have a tendency to build a PC, get annoyed by it, sell it, buy a console, then a few months later build another pc thinking the experience is going to be different.
This has happened 3 times now.
My first build was a 9700k, RTX 2080TI, Seasonic Focus Plus 850W platinum, decent motherboard, decent ram etc with an Acer X27 "G Sync Ultimate" monitor.
My second build was a 5800x, RTX 3080 & RTX 3090, same PSU, decent motherboard, decent ram with a Odyssey G9.
My third and current build is an ITX 5600x, RTX 3060TI, Corsair SFX 750W, B550i gaming, 16gb ddr4 3600mhz ram, 2 x 1TB SSD blah blah, with a Dell AW2721d "G Sync Ultimate" monitor.
All third builds have had a common problem.
Stuttering. I have done countless windows rebuilds.
Sometimes its fine. Sometimes its crazy bad. I was just playing Hitman 3, and it would average about 140fps.. and sometimes drop down to 6fps. I've experienced this on all three builds, and im starting to believe that despite all the technologies, g sync, v sync, PC gaming is just like this.. full of stuttering.
I honestly don't know what to do.
I have followed all the guides.. amending nvidia control panel settings, turning on resize bar, game mode on.
I'm not overclocking except for XMP. I'm not installing anything except drivers.. this was on a fresh windows 10 build.
What do I do? I feel like this cycle is going to happen again and again. >_< help me please. What am i doing wrong?
Temps are fine btw, 70 degrees.