i've being caught up in a ebay scam

29 May 2006
i am really into RC cars. So when searching ebay i came across some 1/16 scale electric off-road RC car, they were selling for around £15 but i thught the small price was simply because it was ano-name RC car that i have never seen in a shop, like a japanese import or something. Anyway i liked the sound of it so i bidded £10. However this morning i recieved an e-mail from another ebay member (i don't know this member and as far as i'm aware the only relation he has to the seller is he was a victim of the scam), anyway here's the e-mail i received:
hi there,

just thought id help out a fellow ebayer.

I recently found out (by being a victim myself) that there is a small ring ebay sellers who are all selling nanodragons & similar rc cars, som times Ipods too.

They are organised criminals who have a scam going, they all have 1-5 feedback yet are selling tons of items.

they keep you waiting for your item with generic excuses then dissapear.

I did check the sellers feedback before i bid and he had 4 feedback but with 100% positive.

Anyway i have two questions. 1. How can i retract my bid? i have tied but ebay say it's only ok to do with these 3 reasons.
1. Entered wrong amount (in which case you have to enter the right amout straight away)
2. Can't contact the seller (i havn't contacted him and can't think of anything to contact him for)

I just checked ebay and someone has outbided me, so that sorts that. However i no want to contact ebay to make them aware of this scam. Also do you think i should contact the person who just outbid me? because if he manages to retract his bid then i'm stuck with the problem again however i feel quite guilty about just leaving him to loose his money
Just out of interest, is the person who emailed you the same person who has put in a higher bid than you have ?

Only asking because I would have thought if this person was caught in a scam then he would have reported them to ebay and accounts would be closed.
Just enter any of the reasons, they don't care why you cancel and won't check up on it.

Just send an email to Ebay informing them of this, and if you want inform the new bidder what you were told not sure why you need to ask us what to do to be honest. :)
Go to ebay, click "help" in the top right, then in the search box, enter:

"Report breaches of eBay policy"

Should be the first result that you want :-)
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