Jehovahs Witnesses

20 Apr 2006
In your heart

Well today, at like 10am, im in the middle of eating my breakfast, and the door bell rings. I thought it was the posty so i ran to the door, but then i find out its Jehovahs Witnesses.

They looked abit parched, so i offered them in for a drink. We had some tea, and were reading the "Watch Tower" they had with them. It was very a heart warming experience. I have never met any type of people who will sacrafice soo much of there time to there religion. I respect them for that. Also yo ucan have a very deep chat about all kinds of things, like evolution and have a good discussion :p

Have you had them round before?
My nan used to invite them in (because she was lonely) and talk to them for hours until they were beggign to be let out!

My mates a jw and he smokes and drinks, then kets relaly annoyed when you take the **** out of his religion.

They dont come to my house anymore, I think im too sarcastic.
They're a dam nuisance. Letting them into your home and giving out tea will just encourage them to go to more houses expecting to get more free tea and biscuits. Its your choice to let them into your home, but please have consideration for everyone else.

Kroegen said:
Also yo ucan have a very deep chat about all kinds of things, like evolution and have a good discussion :p

Can I ask,
What did they say about evolution/creation? Did they say what they believe?

Im a Christian and I believe in the 6 literal days of creation, but I dont know what the JW's believe
I answerd the door in a towel once because i just got out the shower.
The womans just kept staring me in the eyes and wouldnt look below my neck :p
She was messing up all her words and talking really fast and messing every thing up and just talking about random things that was probably the only thing she could think of :p
I coulnt help but laugh after she left in a hurry :D
SherberT* said:
Obviously, the 'OP' is a Jehovahs Witness that has somehow managed to infiltrate the interweb.

OMG, in the near future we're going to have JWs adding you to their msn accounts :p

Btw Seb, watch your language dude. I've seen you swear on the boards at least three times today - you need to fully edit them out or you'll find yourself banned. :o
Jehova Witness knocked at my door and after a lengthy discussion i invited him in.

After we sat down with a cup of tea i asked him "What now".

He replied "I don't know, i've never got this far before"

/Joke over, grabs coat :( lol

Zip said:
I answerd the door in a towel once because i just got out the shower.
The womans just kept staring me in the eyes and wouldnt look below my neck :p
She was messing up all her words and talking really fast and messing every thing up and just talking about random things that was probably the only thing she could think of :p
I coulnt help but laugh after she left in a hurry :D
are you a bit hunky then? or do you have repulsive folds of fat?
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