Job/Country/Work *RANT*



Man of Honour
30 Aug 2004
Middle of England

I need to get this off my chest so here it is.

I finished the 3 months at my mates shop last week and am going All out to find the next job. Fresh new reference in hand, nice Econo motor to broaden my search area & make me more attractive to prospective employers & I am proper Up for it. What is the main obstacle i hear you ask, PROVING I AM ******* ENGLISH :mad: All the jobs advertised are connected to Agency's & all require a passport or a Full A4 style Birth certificate. This will take time to get sorted. In the mean time i have around 1 job a week not connected to agency's to apply for. ******** Great a. I can walk in any direction from my place & see all sorts working but me a God Damned Pure Englishman cannot work in his own country or even apply for the jobs. MADNESS.

I know these measures have been brought in to Stop Illegals working but **** Red tape can really **** a man off :mad:
malc30 said:

I need to get this off my chest so here it is.

I finished the 3 months at my mates shop last week and am going All out to find the next job. Fresh new reference in hand, nice Econo motor to broaden my search area & make me more attractive to prospective employers & I am proper Up for it. What is the main obstacle i hear you ask, PROVING I AM ******* ENGLISH :mad: All the jobs advertised are connected to Agency's & all require a passport or a Full A4 style Birth certificate. This will take time to get sorted. In the mean time i have around 1 job a week not connected to agency's to apply for. ******** Great a. I can walk in any direction from my place & see all sorts working but me a God Damned Pure Englishman cannot work in his own country or even apply for the jobs. MADNESS.

I know these measures have been brought in to Stop Illegals working but **** Red tape can really **** a man off :mad:

Why don't you contact the Family Records Archive place in London and get them to send you a copy of the your Birth Certificate. Worse case, come done for the day on a cheap ticket at do it yourself.

Don't you have a driving license?
malc30 said:


Sorry :p
neil3k said:
Why dont you have a passport or birth certificate?

Passport. It was took away Years ago :p I need to re-apply now & that costs money i don't have.
Birth certifcate. I have the Smaller version but they want the big A4 jobby. More expence & Time wasted whilst it's sorted.
These will be sorted shortly but Do you not see the ironey. I said to the Dude "Could i be Any more English" & we Both just sat there laughing.
malc30 said:

I need to get this off my chest so here it is.

I finished the 3 months at my mates shop last week and am going All out to find the next job. Fresh new reference in hand, nice Econo motor to broaden my search area & make me more attractive to prospective employers & I am proper Up for it. What is the main obstacle i hear you ask, PROVING I AM ******* ENGLISH :mad: All the jobs advertised are connected to Agency's & all require a passport or a Full A4 style Birth certificate. This will take time to get sorted. In the mean time i have around 1 job a week not connected to agency's to apply for. ******** Great a. I can walk in any direction from my place & see all sorts working but me a God Damned Pure Englishman cannot work in his own country or even apply for the jobs. MADNESS.

I know these measures have been brought in to Stop Illegals working but **** Red tape can really **** a man off :mad:

You have a car, which implies you have a driver's license. Driver's license states your nationality, which you had to prove when you applied for it.

Tell the agency's to stop reading off their script and to engage their pea brain for a second and accept driver's license as proof of nationality :)
^^ I obviously have numerous pieces of I.D such as Utilitys bills, Driving licence, Bank statements etc etc etc etc
You Have to either have the Full A4 B' Cert or a Passport. Trust me i rattled it out with a few other agencys. I am being nice to those i want to join so rang some others & give them crap, No go.

Helium_Junkie said:
Sounds annoying :/
Good luck finding something soon!

Thanks :cool:
It is Official I.D. over here but it doesn't prove your nationality even though it says it on it :p
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