John's Phone - World's simplest mobile phone

The price is absolutely shocking. I thought it'd be no more than £4.99. But it's almost £70 :eek: That's some major profit right there, If anyone would be stupid enough to buy it.
I want one. I don't know why but something about it makes me really want it. Bloody hea.d
Phone looks terrible, it looks like a mobile phone for OAPs or anyone that's got sight problems.

Edit: In fact, I know what it reminds me of, one of those early TV remotes, one that was actually cabled to the TV.
To the people saying their nan, dad etc.. could use this... Just tell them to buy a £5 Nokia with £10 credit. Green is to call and red is to hang up.
Makes and receives calls, nice and simple to use, what more could one want from a “phone”? ;)
(Answers on a sheet of A4 please)
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