14 Jan 2006
Just looked on there website and there phoneline is now closed.

Does anyone know if you are paid for the previous 2 weeks or if you are paid for the following 2 weeks?

I have just got a job that I start next week and so will be signing off when I go in tomorrow, does anyone know if I will get paid for the previous 2 weeks of job searching?
you're paid in arrears so if you're due to sign on tomorrow, you'll get a full 2 weeks money as usual. but you can claim until the day before you start work. so that would be another few days money more owed to you which you'll get in a few weeks once they've shut down your claim.
Having recently gone through this myself, you get paid for the previous two weeks. Like marc2003 said, you can claim up until you start working, when you 'sign off' you'll have to write the date you start working, and you'll be paid up until this day, as far as I'm aware you don't have to do anything else to get paid up to this point, but quickly run it by them when you do go just to make sure (money is money right?)
Quick thread hijack...
I currently work under 16 hours a week and earn £65 a week, can i go on JSA? I have been told that what ever you are earning gets deducted off your JSA, is this true?
Thanks for that, looks like ive got about £130 to last me till payday then :D

I dont think you can, I belive if you work under that and earn less than 50 quid a week then they will bump it up to that, as that is what they belive you can live on, could be wrong though.

they will disregard the first £5 of your earnings if you are a single person; there are higher disregards if you are part of a couple, have a disability or caring responsibilities. After the disregard is applied your earnings are deducted penny for penny from your JSA entitlement.
Quick thread hijack...
I currently work under 16 hours a week and earn £65 a week, can i go on JSA? I have been told that what ever you are earning gets deducted off your JSA, is this true?

Depends on your age, if you earn less than your apllicable amount, you will get help otherwise no. £65 for uner 25 is above the AA.
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