Jumpgate Evolution - Looks like its been cancelled

4 Nov 2002
England - Leeds
Sorry if this has already been posted, I was just going through all the mmo's on mmorpg.com and noticed "Jumpgate Evolution" wasn't listed so did some searching online and the offical website doesnt appear to work and I found this on wiki:

Official information about the game is no longer being released. NetDevil's website is no longer online, and the owner Gazillion Entertainment does not mention the game on their website. A large portion or all of NetDevil's employees were laid off in February 2011.[3] This has lead to the widespread assumption that the game will never be released.[4]

It's a shame because I'd wrote that game down on a sticky note on my desktop to keep track of it because I thought it looked really good but it looks like it will never happen now. :(

You have to do admit it's a blow to the mmo community because there's too many fantasy mmo's and we lack in the other genre's so it would have been good to have had another good sci-fi that could have ran along side eve online.
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