Just checkin my OC..

1 Feb 2006
I've just built up my new rig, If anyone experienced could check my settings and Temps i'd be really grateful :) Hoping something here is not vastly wrong.

I've managed 3.2Ghz sofar, I've checked stability for only about 5mins in Orthos seems ok sofar.

Im running an E6400 on a DS3 and using Ballistix PC6400C4

I have my Ram @ / PCI-E 105 / Vdimm +0.3 / FSB Overvoltage +0.1 / GMCH +0.2 / and Vcore is @ 1.45V

Heres the temps sofar..



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Tryed it @ 3.4Ghz seems fine again, with no noticable change in temps :confused: !!

Am i safe to go more ?!

Edit: It's just failed Orthos, so i guess i need to get it stable @ 3.4Ghz first, any ideas on what I can try ?

Any help is appriciated :)
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I mate

give the ram 2.2V or 2.25 if you have that option

also try the ram at 12-4-4-4 at 400mhz and if you put 450mhz on it loose the timmings to 15-5-5-5

also give more Vcore to the cpu ( 1.47/ 1.50) at 450mhz
looking at the Vcore you show above ,it seems your board have a little Vdrop

and if you have these options in your bios( mine is for ASUS P5B dlx but i think in the DS3 you have something similar to that ) disable all but the Modify ratio and ratio setting like I have in this printscreen

( took me one / two weeks before e I understand the tricks of the board/ chipset,)

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Thanks Netby :)

Also I've just noticed I hadnt disabled the Smart Fan control so my Temps are down even more now :D
yeap i have that disabled too( cpu fan speed and Asus Q fan control) in the "Hardware Monitor" section in bios
but I have the TT 120 fan controled by a Revoltec fan controller ,in the front of the case (by the way this controls all others fans I have in the pc case )

In the voltage section,I leave everithing at default,just Vcore is at 1.38 and Vdimm at 2.25( this for an overclock of 400mhzx8= 3200 mhz)

right now I´m using the pc at 3600 mhz( 450x8) only diference is Vcore at 1.485V and ram is at 15-5-5-5
this is Orthos blend stable :)
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