Just finished a game project for the xmas period...Mass Effect Trilogy back to back

26 Sep 2013
West End, Southampton
Yes I know most of us have played it, completed it several times etc but I just felt I needed to get into something in a long period off work....but this time back to back, with mods and all DLC, and this time on a PC that can run 1440p at 120fps constant maxed out.

Had 3 weeks to invest in this, had originally completed ME1 4 or 5 times on both xbox 360 and then on PC, ME 2 did twice and ME 3 did once. Never done them back to back so close though. What an incredible trilogy, easily the best game of all time, was back then still is today. I say game, it's not really a game is it, it's art...a masterpiece, a true gaming experience that I don't think will ever be done so well again. You get completely emotionally involved in the characters, the story, you cry, laugh, yell and cheer, even playing it again from start to finish, none of the gloss is lost and for me I still get lumps in my throat even though I know what's coming. So compelling, so rewarding, just an incredible series of games from start to finish.

I'm not sure how to feel about Andromeda without Sheppard yet, only time will tell I guess, but for the Trilogy, it just blows me away each time. If you can guys, u have a little time to spare, try and do all 3 games back to back with all DLC and mods, Incredible gaming experience each time.
yeah, as the series progressed it lost the sense of exploration and some stand out RPG elements for me. ME1 was and still is my favourite by far, just loved the exploration of planets and the landing on them. Soundtracks were totally epic in ME1 as well, that opening intro music does it for me every time. I'm just totally in love with the whole series though, EA did ruin the feel and sense of exploration in ME2 and ME3 though, but that being said they were still brilliant games.
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Graphic packs, high res textures etc. Got me1 looking so good, few examples of the high res mods.



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That's what made it so involving at immersive mate, all the choices, weapon types, ammo, modules etc. Ea got involved and gradually put their "must kill this game next" stamp on it.
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