Just finished a game project for the xmas period...Mass Effect Trilogy back to back

I replayed the trilogy earlier in the year. I really love the first two, I tolerated the third for some of the great individual moments the game had.

The trilogy certainly stands up as one of the best.
Playing the Mass Effect trilogy a few years ago was one of the highlights of my gaming life.

The only negative of the series for me was the opening 3 hours of part one, where you are running around the Citadel.

I love the citadel in the first game. I've completed them all on insanity, and I keep going back. Mass Effect is 'my game'.
Did this a couple of years ago - back to back. Took about two months trying to catch all the side missions. Of course ME1 does come across a bit clunky and graphically inferior to the sequels and the "Enemies everywhere" soundbite gets a bit old as do the identikit planetary locations. However I did miss that aspect of exploration in 2 and 3. Playing consecutively does pull you in to the story more rather than standalone runs of each title but with FO4 now occupying most of my time and a replay of GTAV needed, not sure if/when I'll ever get round to such a momentous playthrough again.
Wow, those high res mods make it look stunning.

Sod waiting until summer, gonna start this again next week after my exams!
I did a back to back play through of all three games in late 2013 including all the DLC. Yes I too paid in gold for Bioware points. :eek:

I agree with many of the points in this thread; ME1 is still my favourite overall due to the exploration and deeper RPG elements. ME2 has the best characters and interaction, plus a kind of creepy dread that pervades throughout in a sort of Empire Strikes Back manner.

ME3 is weakest in my view but some of the DLC really does help improve the situation, particularly Leviathan, Extend Cut and The Citadel. Despite the fuss made over the ending, playing all three back to back brings home the fact that it's about the journey. Seeing decisions taken in ME1/2 impacting that journey even in ME3 - even if perhaps not the ending itself - is possibly the greatest gaming experience I've had to date.

When time allows I'm looking forward to another play through, especially having seen the screenshots of some of the mods available for ME1.

I suspect playing all three back to back if you'd not played any of the games previously would be simply fantastic. If I could have my memory selectively wiped I'd spend a month replaying all three games... oh, and re-watching Breaking Bad :D
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EA needs to pull their finger out and release a complete collection with every DLC. I've been wanting to do a replay for a while but buying BioWare points in 2016 is just ludicrous and it never goes on sale.
I was also hoping for "DLC compendium" but gave up waiting June/July last year and did a complete trilogy play-through. ME2 still my favourite.
I hear often that ME2 is people's favourite. It's good but I can't stand the end with the human reaper - it's just too comic book ish. Also, Jacob Taylor is really annoying.
I was really taken with ME1 and ME2, but I never got around to playing ME3, firstly with the uproar at the story (Which I avoided reading about, and still have, for spoilers, but I am aware of the wizard jist)...

THen there was news of a re-cut or DLC to slightly bring fans around.... and I never quite felt like playing.

This may inspire me if I have some extended time to do 1 - 3.... it sounds awesome to do, and to really immerse yourself. Not sure I'll ever get that kind of time though.
I was really taken with ME1 and ME2, but I never got around to playing ME3, firstly with the uproar at the story (Which I avoided reading about, and still have, for spoilers, but I am aware of the wizard jist)...

THen there was news of a re-cut or DLC to slightly bring fans around.... and I never quite felt like playing.

This may inspire me if I have some extended time to do 1 - 3.... it sounds awesome to do, and to really immerse yourself. Not sure I'll ever get that kind of time though.

Honestly, I would just stick with what you have played until now and ignore ME3 entirely. I'm not saying it's the worst game ever, but compared to the first two it just really sours the entire experience. And as an indicator, I too thought the internet rage was hyperbole until I actually played it.
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