Just gone live with ADSL, how long does the bedding in period take ?

18 Oct 2002
West Yorks

I've been activated with Bethere on friday. I read somewhere with ADSL that they try syncing your line at a few different rates before they find the final one ? if so how long does it last before they settle on a speed

yesterday i synced at 11mbs, today at 9.5mbs

Also can anybody tell me what my line stats are like. My SNR is 6.5 downstream and Attenuation is 33.5 downstream

is this good or bad, and is there an ADSL2+ line speed estimator ?
MrLOL said:
II read somewhere with ADSL that they try syncing your line at a few different rates before they find the final one ?

That was one of the classic bits of misinformation about IPStream Max. It doesn't apply to Be.

yesterday i synced at 11mbs, today at 9.5mbs

That's just rate adaption - with changing line conditions you'll see a change in speed..
There isn't a "bedding in period" - the connection will continue to rate adapt until the end of time, but what you see now shouldn't be any different from what you see a week/month/quarter/year down the line, barring other changes.

Also can anybody tell me what my line stats are like. My SNR is 6.5 downstream and Attenuation is 33.5 downstream

SNR margin isn't great, but that's to be expected when you're trying to get as much speed as you can out of the line. Attenuation isn't great.

10 days before the final max-rate is determined

On Max that almost applies (except it isn't final and isn't the max-rate), but the OP's on Be.
Ahh right!

Some of you people must live next door to the exchange to get these crazy services; ADSL 2+ etc!

To think I've seen people moaning "ooo i can't sync at more than 3.5MB ooo" when I get a measly 1MB sickens me :p ;)
aah i c

so it will just continue to connect at different rates depending on the line then ?

i'll be happy with that i think. even with virgin media's newest upgrades 10mb will be about £27 a month

i pay £24 with be (allthough dont get e-mail or webspace but nvm) and get around 10/11

ping is good so far too.

just a matter of finding a download server that i can download @ 10mbs at. Speedtest rates my connection at 9mbs so if i can find the right server :D
MrLOL said:
so it will just continue to connect at different rates depending on the line then ?

Yup. In theory, ADSL2+ can do it seamlessly, but it depends on your modem supporting it and Be enabling it.
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