just got a ps3, need some help with on-line game choice

8 Mar 2007
between here and there
hey guys,

as the title suggests, I've just laid my mitts on a ps3 and got uncharted 2 yesterday which is awesome.

Thing is, I'm already 40% of the way through the game in one sitting so it's not going to be long before I've completed it.

Now I know that there's a online multilayer section but how good is it??

Also, since I won the office lottery this week (Oh yeah, £50!!) I'm thinking of getting another game.

But what should I choose??

I'd like something with a massive amount of online action but I don't want a really short and crappy campaign mode as I do like playing on my own.

Has anyone got any suggestions??

I like shooters and cars. Not that big into RPG as I never finish them.

Cheers in advance.

Should have got Uncharted first, but there we go. :)

Bad Company 2 is a good choice, campaign isn't anything particularly amazing, but then the focus was always on the multiplayer aspect anyway.
Should have got Uncharted first, but there we go. :)

Bad Company 2 is a good choice, campaign isn't anything particularly amazing, but then the focus was always on the multiplayer aspect anyway.

See, you say that but having never played the 1st one I don't think that I'm missing anything (apart from character background..).

So, bad company eh? I'll have a look on you tube now.

Any other suggestions?
See, you say that but having never played the 1st one I don't think that I'm missing anything (apart from character background..).

I'm not saying it's vital, just that it makes far more sense to play them in the right order. You get a better idea of what the characters are about and I think knowing what happened in the first game helps you to understand a few things that will have otherwise gone right over your head.

Still a great game anyway, well-worth picking up.
If you are fairly decent with console FPS I would say Killzone 2. The online system is probably the best I've seen on a console and the single player campaign is decent. However there is little auto-aim meaning that it is quite hard/tricky but is a lot more rewarding when you get the hang of it.
Would have said MAG til you said you wanted a single player campaign...

U2s MP is actually pretty polished - the co-op stuff is great...

ps3ud0 :cool:
If you are fairly decent with console FPS I would say Killzone 2. The online system is probably the best I've seen on a console and the single player campaign is decent. However there is little auto-aim meaning that it is quite hard/tricky but is a lot more rewarding when you get the hang of it.


Just found killzone 2 for £8. bargin. :)

any others before I spend a whole £8??!?
I really like Modern Warfare 2 online but it's a game people love to hate and the single player is good but not that long and probably something you wouldn't keep playing through. I quite like Everybody's Golf but the online is quite slow paced so you might not like that.
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Thanks for all the suggestions guys.

I'll go with killzone 2 for a while and once I've bashed the hell out of that I'll move on.

Cheers again for all of your suggestions.

Happy gaming :)
Good choice. Bear in mind that you could easily get 5 very good games for that £50, if you wanted to blow it all.

Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Uncharted, MGS4, Motorstorm 1/2 - none of those should set you back more than £10 each :)
Good choice. Bear in mind that you could easily get 5 very good games for that £50, if you wanted to blow it all.

Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Uncharted, MGS4, Motorstorm 1/2 - none of those should set you back more than £10 each :)

see post above. £8 from game as a pre-owned. :)

Cheers anyways.
I say Resistance Fall of Man 2 would be a cheap game to consider, it is good online and fits all your requirements (except vehicles whoops).

However I prefer Bad Company 2 myself, but RFOM 2 is a cheap alternative.


I thought Resistance 2 was really bad. It was like playing a ps1 game.

Killzone is a great game, not sure of the onlne community but stunning game. Worth a shot if you can pick up cheap.

I think MW2 and BFBC2 are the FPS'ers to look at. Personally I really love MW2 but have heard good things about BFBC2. Just waiting for that to drop in price ;)
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