Just got my Alpha A700 :)

7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
Been looking for an upgrade from my A200 for a few weeks. Didn't like the EVF and feel of the new A55/65/77 so got a used 700 instead. Only just gace it a few test shots tonight with my 50 F1.8.

So far I am really liking it, the 2 control wheels and the customisable button are such a god send, The OVF is a lot bigger than the 200, and the layout seems a lot more intuitive. I have hands like frying pans so having a bigger body is a bonus.

Here are 2 flower shots i did. Messed around with one using hue/saturation layers trying to make the centre draw you in, don;t think it worked to well though, but the camera is fricking awesome.


Did you try both the a55 and a65/77 EVFs? The A65/77 is meant to be much, much better than the a33/a55s ones.

Tried the 65 and the EVF quality is superior to the 55. It was more personal taste for me. I couldn't get used to the unnatural brightness of the EVF and found myself always looking up from the viewfinder to check the subject by eye as my brain was telling me it was too bright.

I didn't try the 77, TBH for the price I would have just gone for as 7D instead.

So the A700 was a worthy compromise. I got if for 350 used, its an upgrade from my 200, has low shutter count (6k) and has OVF. Live-view would have been a bonus, but I get all the other perks I missed on the 200 like DoF preview, 2 control wheels, bigger OVF, bigger screen, bigger body (I have big hands)
£350 used is a lot of camera for the money :)

Yeah, that is what I thought. I think at release they were retailing at least in the USA for close to $1500, thats close to a grand in GBP. So for 350 it was a steal. I know its old technology, but it still feel like a great camera tbh. Shutter count is low too and its in very good condition.

I think I'll have this for at least another year by which time I'll be able to get a used 850 for a monkey :D (I hope)
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