Just had 50meg installed, now wifi won't work

25 Jul 2004
Hello, I'm praying someone here can help.

A Virgin Media engineer has just been to install 50meg. When connected directly to the router, it works great.

The engineer was in a bit of a rush, so he asked if I was OK to setup the wireless myself. Now I have done this a few times in the past and didnt think it would be anything particularly difficult - how wrong I was! (Oh, and I'm using my 'old' N router, not the one that the engineer gave me today).

Once I connect the modem to the router, the router broadcasts fine and allows wireless devices to connect to the network, but I just cant get internet access. Winodws 7 can connect to the router, but reports there is no internet access.

Please help!


Thanks for your suggestions, thats sorted the problem.

But...on my Windows 7 laptop, there is a yellow star/asterisks over the wifi bar thingy that appears in the systray. Any ideas what this means?

@Firegod, I tried that, but the yellow star/asterisk is still there. I can live with it though, I can still access the net and file shares etc.

But I have come in to another problem, I have been downloading test files all day via Astraweb (using Newsbin Pro) and I have been maxing out the connection. All of a sudden, the download speed in Astraweb has dropped to 5.8Mbps. So I ran a few speed tests and true enough, the maximum reported speed was around 10 meg. Once I connected my laptop directly to the modem, all was well, back up to the full speed.

I am using a Netgear WNR854T (not the one provided by VM) router with firmware version 1.4.09 - could this be the problem?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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