just ordered some Whey and maltodextrin

18 Jul 2006
Well im looking to gain some weight a bulk up so under the advice of a friend i brought some Whey Isolate 80 and 1kg of Maltodextrin.
Could someone tell me what maltodextrin does all i can find is that its a carb!
Linoge said:
Maltodextrin, also known as multidextrose or glucose polymer powder, is a synthetic polysaccharide, i.e. a complex carbohydrate. It is used by a range of sports people to help meet the high-energy demands of intense exercise, especially by tri-athletes. Although structurally it is a complex carbohydrate the chemical structure is such that it is open to rapid enzymatic degradation, i.e. it is digested and absorbed very rapidly, infact faster than sugar, so it scores high on the glyceamic index. For this reason many people are worries it will put on fat so in bodybuilding it is invaluable for the lean hard gainer who struggles to eat enough carbohydrate each day. By adding the powder to drinks can increase intake by 6-800kcals a day. It is also useful for post workout replenishment of carbohydrate stores. Maltodextrin powders are cheap, and useful for bulking up on.

btw, I'm still shaking my fist at you. ;)

thanks for your reply! how much would you recomend mixing into a drink to achieve about 500calories , and what drink would you suggest?

shake all you like my friend :p your welcome to kip on the sofa :D
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