Just Put the Deposit Down on my 1st Car , What you think?

Surely the insurance company will bend you over with those cosmetic mods ( i know they arent much, but you are 17?)
Sanzy said:
Tell me what you think

I think you are utterly daft. It has faults, it's been modified so you'll find insuring it is an absolute pain at your age, and it has a very short MOT indeed so goodness knows what else its hiding.

It won't pass an MOT with the airbag defective. Airbag replacement can cost up to £1000.

Finally How much do you think it set me back?

Hopefully no more than £500. If it was an unmodified example with an MOT not being sold by a muppet I'd be happier paying more, but it isn't so I wouldn't be.

Infact, the very fact it says he'll accept offers of around £800 when, if it was in decent nick, it'd be worth nearer £1500-£2000, makes me very suspicious that a dodgy airbag isnt the only thing wrong with it.

I mean..

If the item doesnt go 4 a reasonable price i will not be releasing the car.

Does stuff like that not put you off? Thats what a reserve is for, the entire car just screames 'caned shed' to me.
I would hope less than a tenner mate! Did you go and look over it with some one who knows cars?
IMO worst thing to do is buy the car first, puts lots of pressure on your self...plus you will be tempted to drive it when you start your lesson guarenteed!
Well ive paid £100 deposit over paypal and im paying cash when i go to the car where my dad will check it out hes mechanic if its shizer then we can just walk away and get the money back via paypal ...oh and it cost £700
No offence, but I think you're taking a huge risk if you do decide to go ahead with buying it.

That looks like an absolute shed to me that's been thrashed everywhere, plus it's got some tasteless mods and next to no equipment (doesn't even have aircon!).
So, he debadged it...

And stuck the badge on the glove box. Nice.

To echo the other threads, it seems like a bit of a shed and may be tricky to insure with those mods.

'Driver's window won't wind down' - surely that'll be a pain in car parks, drive throughs etc?

Looking at the state of it and the fact that it's modified I'd say it's a bit of a lemon.
MuvverRussia said:
'Driver's window won't wind down' - surely that'll be a pain in car parks, drive throughs etc?

Looking at the state of it and the fact that it's modified I'd say it's a bit of a lemon.

Does it not need to wind down to pass its MOT too?
Already been said but my thoughts are that you've done it arse about face by buying the car first. There will still be plenty of cars on the roads when you pass your test.

Also insurance companies are going to have a field day with the mods.
From the price he's expecting for it it will be a complete shed. Also the 1.4 engine is dog slow and will no doubt have been ragged silly from the impression I get of the seller.
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