Just Recieved Alienware 2310... And the verdict is..

16 Oct 2009
So i just received the 2310, after using the Acer G24 for the past 18 months or so i decided to give them a chance as i wasn't impressed with the G24 due to backlight bleeding issues.

Well, all i can say is backlight bleeds almost as bad on the new 2310.... FFS... i had read reviews from certain websites that advised bleeding wasn't an issue, either they got a good monitor or they weren't testing them as rigorously as i would have liked.

I was looking forward to playing Fallout 3 and the Saboteur - both games that are very dark and just bug the hell out of me when all you can see is bleeding around the edges.... i still cannot play these games on the 2310 :mad:

I have tried calibrating it many times and cannot stop the bleeding.

The downside to it is that the colours aren't even as vibrant as the G24, so i now have the same problems of backlight bleeding with a monitor that is noticeably dimmer than the older G24.

it looks like the blacks are darker on the 2310 than the G24 but this just shows up the bleed even worse... infact i would even go as far as saying the bleed on the 2310 is worse than the G24.

i guess im going to have to wait for LED 120Hz before these issues get sorted....

Now for the joy of attempting to return something to Dell... oh im looking forward to this...

are my standards too high? for monitors that cost £370 I expected more.
I'm sure all of my screens bleed, I just don't know what it is so it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Imperfections are the cause of brain damage in the perfectionist, I like being simple sometimes! :D
I don't mean to be funny but tn-panels generally all have these backlight issues to different extents....You just can't have smooth response (120hz tn's) and i-ips colors/lack of back light bleed etc together right now.

The perfect lcd monitor doesn't exist yet but i'd love to have your new one personally ;)
shame ur not happy, ive gone from a 19" crt to the 2310 and i love it.
maybe for £370 odd we should expect more but i think some % of the cost is for the alienware name :/
I don't mean to be funny but tn-panels generally all have these backlight issues to different extents....You just can't have smooth response (120hz tn's) and i-ips colors/lack of back light bleed etc together right now.

The perfect lcd monitor doesn't exist yet but i'd love to have your new one personally ;)
i have a Acer G24 and the backlight bleed is pretty bad tbh worse than any other monitor ive owned.
Colours are so vibrant and the picture is superb mind on the Acer G24.

I sent my G24 back to Acer for repair for the backlight bleed and the annoying loud hizzing sound that comes from the back of the screen
There engineers couldnt find any faults which is laughable there RMA service is shocking.
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I don't mean to be funny but tn-panels generally all have these backlight issues to different extents....You just can't have smooth response (120hz tn's) and i-ips colors/lack of back light bleed etc together right now.

The perfect lcd monitor doesn't exist yet but i'd love to have your new one personally ;)

i know, but how come both my HP work station LCD screens at work, which are crap little 19" basic things have constant blacks around the edges?

Yet my £300 pound G24 and 2310 dont???

I havent sent it back yet, the 2310, im waiting for the Nvision glasses to turn up so before i decide if its worth 3D or not.
Any LCD monitor will have backlight bleed. It is simply a limitation of the technology. The bleed can become particularly noticeable and uneven for monitors that are designed to have a high luminance (such as the Alienware). It's always disappointing to see an expensive monitor suffer like that, though.
My samsung 2343bw has almost no bleed at all and the 2233rz (120Hz) only has some very minor bleed above the blue power light and down the right hand edge about 0.5cm wide and only noticeable in very dark scenes if you look for it so not bad at all.
The F2380 I'm currently reviewing has some really deep blacks and very little backlight bleed (obviously it is there, otherwise you'd get readings of 0.00 Lux for the black without dynamic contrast). I can say the same for the XL2370 and infact most Samsungs I've used. Significant backlight bleed really can make an otherwise good monitor insufferably bad.
Arghhh it seems another fan has fallen into the Alienware trap. When i was living in the states i did the same thing and the quality of service was rubbish, the screen was not even of average-quality AND they said that you expect too much from the monitor? How can you expecting it to work properly be asking too much of it?
Its all very well complaining about these monitors but is there an alternative to the Acer or the Alienware? No :P

If you want a 120hz monitor then youre stuck with those unless theres some new ones coming out soon? :p
ViewSonic's V3D should be out shortly. Not sure how shortly though.

Or whether it'll be any better :( Thats the trouble, you can either sit around waiting for the next best thing to be released or just take the plunge and get what you can now.
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